Chapter Fifty-One: Nagging Feelings

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Sergio smiled as he held his daughter close to him and headed into the building where his girlfriend worked, he was picking her up for lunch and he was curious to see what her work was like.

It had been a couple of weeks since Gabriela had been promoted and with Sandy’s help, the couple had settled into a nice routine and Sergio was enjoying having some time with his girlfriend.

In the six months since they had been together and had become parents, they hadn’t had much time to themselves and with Sandy now looking after Aoife-Belle during the day they had time to spend with each other.

“Shall we go and see your madre?” Sergio asked as he shifted his hold on his daughter, it was Sandy’s day off and he always met Gabriela for lunch before he headed off to do some work; the footballer usually spent his afternoons with Aoife-Belle if he didn’t have work commitments.

Aoife-Belle looked around as her father took her up to Gabriela’s office, he hadn’t really been inside since the blonde usually met him out front but today he wanted to surprise her by taking their daughter to see her.

“Sergio?” Gabriela said surprised to see her boyfriend as she stepped outside her office, her eyes lit up at the sight of her husband and daughter; she hadn’t been expecting them to turn up like this.

The blonde grinned as she walked towards her boyfriend, she was wearing a white V-neck peplum top and black pencil skirt in leather paired with black T-bar barely there sandals for work.

“Aoife-Belle wanted to surprise you,” Sergio said as he watched her, he handed their daughter over knowing that the little girl adored her mother just as she much as she adored him; they knew that they would definitely want more children in the future and they knew that Aoife-Belle would want siblings.

“Did she now?” Gabriela teased as she cuddled her daughter, she looked at Sergio who had a smile on his face; she knew she wouldn’t trade any of this for the world, she had the most perfect life.

The footballer nodded as he watched the two most important women in his life, he didn’t care what else happened in his life as long as the two of them were safe; they meant everything to him and if something was to take either of them away from him, he’d never forgive himself.

“Oh my God… she is adorable,” Kendra whispered as she appeared, her brown eyes locked on the infant that Gabriela was holding; she hurried forward to coo at Aoife-Belle as Sergio looked at her.

The footballer had heard about Kendra from his girlfriend and now seeing his girlfriend’s assistant for the first time; he couldn’t help but wonder why she looked familiar, he had seen Kendra before and he didn’t know where.

Sergio watched the other woman as she fussed over his daughter, his gut clenched as he wondered what the nagging feeling was; he knew that he couldn’t ask Gabriela right now but he wasn’t going to let this go.

“Shall we head out to lunch?” Sergio asked as he looked at his girlfriend, he wanted his little girl away from the woman until he knew why she looked so familiar to him; he ignored the pout on Kendra’s face as Gabriela nodded her head.

The blonde looked at him concerned, she could see that something was bothering him and she hoped that it wasn’t anything serious; she hated to think someone had upset him while he visited her.


Sergio smiled to himself as he watched Gabriela feed Aoife-Belle, they were sat in a quiet café that they both liked; it was one that the couple often came to for a quiet lunch together when they had the chance.

“Sese?” the blonde asked as she glanced at her boyfriend, she could tell that there was something on his mind and there had been since they had left her office; he had been watching her and their daughter like a hawk as if he expected something to happen.

The Sevillian blinked as he focused completely on his girlfriend, he knew she had picked up on his distraction and he knew there was no point keeping her in the dark.

“Did Kendra look familiar to you?” Sergio asked as he continued to rack his mind, he didn’t know what it was but he knew he’d seen her somewhere and it un-nerved him that he didn’t know where; the last thing he wanted was for something bad to happen.

Gabriela wiped Aoife-Belle’s mouth as she took a deep breath, she hadn’t really thought much about it until now that her boyfriend had mentioned it; the blonde could see what Sergio was talking about.

“Sort of… I haven’t really thought about it,” Gabriela said as she took a sip from her drink, her blue eyes watched him curious about what had bothered him so much about her assistant; she knew that he would tell her when he was ready.

The footballer sighed as he reached over and took his girlfriend’s hand as she turned her attention to their daughter; she stopped and looked at him concerned.

“Promise me that you’ll be careful,” Sergio said as he felt worry swirl in his stomach, he didn’t want to lose Gabriela and he hated to think that it could come from her assistant’s actions.

Gabriela stared at her boyfriend for a moment before Aoife-Belle squeaked making her boyfriend look at their daughter; he sighed in relief as he realised that there wasn’t any danger around them.

“I don’t know what it is but there’s just something about her,” Sergio said as he ran a hand through his hair, he had recently had it styled a little and he knew that he liked it this way; he felt more mature with short hair and more fatherly when it came to his daughter.

Gabriela nodded her head as she took his hand, she knew that he wouldn’t ask her to do this if it wasn’t important; she trusted Sergio and she knew he would never allow anything to happen to her or Aoife-Belle.

“Okay… I’ll keep an eye on her,” Gabriela promised making Sergio offer her a small smile before he leant forward and kissed her lips; he wouldn’t risk his small family over a nagging feeling, he would have his brother look into Kendra’s past until he found out what it was about the woman that was so familiar about her.

“Gracias,” Sergio breathed as he pulled back from her, he moved to take Aoife-Belle so that his girlfriend could enjoy her lunch; he cuddled his daughter close knowing that he wasn’t going to allow anything to destroy his family.

The last six months meant more to him than anything else and he knew that their first Christmas was coming up, he was a little excited about taking Aoife-Belle to see Santa Claus and opening her presents with her.

“So how has training been?” Gabriela asked as she started to eat her sandwich, she had been focused on feeding Aoife-Belle before she had eaten herself; the blonde smiled as she watched her boyfriend with their daughter, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to seeing him with her.

Sergio chuckled knowing that his girlfriend didn’t know much about football, he was glad that they had a lot of other common ground to think about even though the blonde now watched a lot of football.

Aoife-Belle messed with her father’s fingers, her little chummy hand running over the tattoos that he had there a little fascinated by them.

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