Get Out

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I woke up around 5 again and went for a run. This time I stayed out until ten when I started heading back. I walked back, to put enough time in between me and Mark. I saw the house and automatically knew something was wrong. I went in the front door only to see the house completely trashed.

"Jack? Mark?" I called. I heard Jack scream from the other room. I ran into the living room to see Jack in a chair with his hands zip tied behind his back. His nose was bleeding and he had cuts all over his face. He saw me and his eyes widened.

"Ev, you need to get out of here..." He started saying but was interrupted by Mark

"Who are you talking too..." He said coming up and grabbing Jack's face.

"He's talking to me," I said from the hallway. Mark's eyes zipped to me.

"Ah hello," He said his head cocking a bit. He started walking up to me. "You are so pretty," I was wearing a sports bra and some leggings, which I now realized was a bad idea. He grabbed both of my arms and put them above my head.

"Do you see that man right there?" He asked me looking back at Jack.

"Yes, I do," I replied

"I see," He said

"Do you love this man?" He asked me. I closed my eyes. I was scared and was started losing myself, and started crying.

"Yes," I choked out.

"Oh, well Mark would accept it, but if you realized I am not Mark. My job is to screw you up," He said his face ridiculously close to mine. He moved in and kissed me harshly.

"Get the hell off of her!!" Jack screamed at him. Mark stopped and looked at Jack

"Could you ever give her that?" Mark said

"I could, give me a pill," He said

"Jack! No!" I screamed. Mark was still holding my arms above my head.

" Alright," He let go and went to go get a pill. I ran to Jack.

"What the hell was that," I said holding him. Mark came back and threw me off of Jack. He shoved the pill into his mouth.

"Stop!" I screamed. Jack's eyes turned a dark black. I was terrified. I thought of how I was going to escape this. The land line. The only phone that wasn't lost, or dead. I ran into the kitchen but Jack grabbed my waist before I could get to it.

"Let me go!" I screamed clawing at his arms

"I can't," His voice was deep " I need to prove a point," I grabbed the doorway and held on with everything that I had. Mark came up and tore my hands from the doorway, drawing blood from my knuckles.

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