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"Is that better?" He said, I smiled and kissed him again. He laid down on his side of the bed. I put my head on his chest and fell asleep.

The next morning was a blur, I was up before anyone else. I decided to go down the basement. I opened the old wooden door revealing to dark interior.

"Jack?" I called out his name into the endless nothing

"Hello pretty," Jacks dark voice rang through the stale air of the basement

I walked in and turned on the little light. The floor was stained with blood. I wasn't surprised. There were also empty whiskey bottles everywhere.

"What did you do?" I asked in a stern voice

"I drank, and drank, and drank," Jack said, standing up, Jack's black eyes searched me.

"How much did you drink?" I asked

"Too much," He said walking over to me, the chains shifted with his movements.

"What did you do with Jack?" I asked, Jack was still approaching me.

"That man was weak," He replied, "He didn't deserve you, but I do," He grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go," I said. His other hand slithered around my waist.

"I don't want to," His breath smelled so sharply of alcohol. His eyes were so lifeless, "You smell like roses. Roses are my favorite plant, you know why?"

"Why?" I asked. His face was slowly inching closer to mine.

"They are red, and they are so similar to the color of blood, but roses smell so much better," His jolted forward kissing me harshly. His lips moved down to my neck. I was so over everything I kneed him hard in the stomach. He let go crunching down, grasping his stomach

"Where's Jack?" I asked again, I grabbed his hair pulling it up so I could look him in the eyes.

"You are coming along nicely," Jack said smiling. I smacked him.

"Thanks," Jack said in a drunken tone. His eyes back to normal.

"Ya no problem," I said unchaining him

"How much did I drink?" He asked

"A lot," I said showing him the pile of bottles on the floor

"Oh geez, this is going to be a hell of a hangover tomorrow," He said laughing. I put his arm over me and I helped him out of the cellar and into the house.

"Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" Jack said, he was so drunk.

"Yes, you did," I said walking into the kitchen, I peeked out "Sit on the couch,"

"Why, do I have to?" Jack replied

"Yes," I was making him some warm tea, it was so hard because arm aches so bad.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jack screamed from the living room in the most humorous tone

"I'm making tea,"

""FOR WHO?!"

"You," I handed him the little cup.

"It's so small," He said inspecting it

"Yes it is,"

"How do I drink this there's not enough in here,"

"Here I'll show you," I grabbed the cup and put it up to my lips, taking a small sip.

"Why did you drink my drink?" Jack said

"I was helping you," I said handing him the drink.

"Oh," He took the drink and gulped it down. I took the cup and put it on the coffee table

"Come here you!" Jack said grabbing my hand and pulled me onto the couch. He then grabbed my bad shoulder. I winced a little as pain rushed down my arm.

"I need to g-go," I said blinking rapidly

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