Goodbye Old Friends....

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I let out a breath and headed out back to the cars. I saw a tarp cover car and slowly walked over it to it, unsure what I was going to find. I took the tarp off to find a old blue honda. It was the same model that we started with. I looked in the back seat and sure enough, there was gas tanks. I opened the back passenger door and lifted both of them slightly, just to get a feel to how much fuel was in the tanks. They were both full. I closed the door and looked in the driver's seat. Lucky for us, there were keys. I pulled the tarp back over the car and headed inside to see a few two backpacks sitting by the bottom of the stair. Mark came down with another two.

"Ready?" He said with his voice completely normal. I smiled and nodded.

"We need guns before we leave," I said.

"Already taken care of," He said throwing a bag of guns on the floor. I open it to see a large variety of guns ranging from handguns to machine guns.

"I'll go put them in the car," I said grabbing the heavy bag.

"Let me," Mark said grabbing the bag out of my hands with ease. I opened the back door for him and opened the trunk. He put the bags in and closed the trunk. Jack came out with Lisa in hand. He put her in the back and then sat next to her.

"Who's driving?" I asked.

"I am," Mark said, smiling at me. I smiled back and got in the passengers side. Mark started the car and started to back out.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" A voice said. I looked up from the car floor to see Jonas. I reached down for my handgun and held it out the window.

"Don't expect us to come back," I said. I shot the gun hitting the window only inches away from him. Mark then peeled out of the dirt backyard and drove through alleyway. Mark hit the rode and sped up as quickly as he could. Gunshots rained from behind us. I looked back to see little Lisa curled up in Jack's arms. Jack looked up at me in concern.

"It'll be okay, we'll make it," I said to him. Mark suddenly lost control of the car. The vehicle turned sharply and rolled three or four times. The car finally stopped rolling and was set on the roof. I unclipped the seat and fell onto the roof. I crawled out and lay on the ground facing the sun. I felt blood rushing out of multiple wounds. I heard Jack's cry. I sat up and looked over at him. Lisa was laying on his lap, with blood rushing from her head. I quickly crawled over to him, tears in my eyes. Mark was soon to join us.

"Lisa?" I choked out. She didn't move or give any response.

"Come on Lisa, Wake up," I said again reaching out and grabbing her small hand. Jack put his forehead on hers, tears spilling from his eyes.

"Lisa," Mark reached out and grabbed her other hand.

"She's gone," Mark said. Jack squeezed his eyes shut.

"No," Jack cried. Tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"I told her she could be the flower girl, Mark," I said through tears. I let go of Lisa's cold hand, "I told her that she would always be safe," I started to panic, like I did with Ethan. Mark pulled me into his embrace. I could feel his tears making him shiver. I looked over at Jack, who was looking at little Lisa like a father would.

"Jack..." I started.

"This was Aaron's fault," Jack said turning dark. He handed Lisa to me. I held her limp body with one arm and reached out with my other arm, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him back.

"Jack you're going to get yourself killed," I said through my tears.

"And?" He said.

"I don't want you to go," I said.

"What is life if there is no one to live it with, Ev?" Jack said in his heavy voice, black tears dripping from his eyes, "I can't live without some meaning or purpose, please let me go,"

"No," I said shaking my head, "I can't Jack. I won't" he grabbed my hand and ripped it off of his shirt. I screamed as he started to walk toward the gunfire. I started to run towards him, but Mark caught my waist and held me back. I looked at him in the distance, arms spread as if welcoming death. A bullet hit his chest and he turned to Mark and I. He smirked and saluted us with two fingers. He then fell to the ground.

"Jack!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Ev," he's gone," Mark said through tears. I sobbed still holding Lisa's cold body. I fell to my knees, tears falling from my eyes. I went dark, setting Lisa's body down and grabbed Mark's gun out of it's holster. I shot a few bullets and hit the man who shot Jack. I ran out to his body, Mark following close behind me. Sure enough, there was no chance of saving Jack. I went normal and tears fell from my eyes. I looked up at Mark and held him.

"I'm sorry, Ev," Mark said, comforting me. All I could do was hold him. I felt a prick in my back. It was a tranquilizer. I went limp in Mark's arms.

"Ev?" He said scared.

"I want to see you when I wake up," I said through slurs. I could see him nod through my squinted eyes. The painful world soon went all black.

RIP- Jack Connors: 21 Years

RIP- Lisa ?: 3 Years

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