Thank You

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I screamed loudly.

"Now, where did you come from?" He asked

"I came from.... Kansas," I said in between screams.

"That's interesting, are you part of the Reunion?" He asked

"N..." I said, but was cut off with the shock collar.

"Sorry that wasn't necessary anyway now you know what it feels like to give the wrong answer," He said. I hit my head on the back of the chair. The pain was too much.

"Why... Are you ...Doing this?" I said in pain.

"Because I need answers, Now, do you work for the Reunion," He repeated.

"," I said, my voice raw from the screaming

"If you don't work for them why do you have their gun?" He asked

"I... Stole it...From them," I replied. He shocked me again. I screamed loudly. The pain only intensifying. The pain from the shock collar went away, and the stinging from inside kept on pulsing

"You seem to steal a lot of guns, don't you, who are you a smuggler? A trader?," He said

"I'm... no one," I said, breathing in and out rapidly.

"That's what the head of the Reunion said when he came in here," He hit my bleeding temple again, causing me to whimper, "I work with idiots," He mumbled

"Kill me," I said

"What?" Tom said

"Kill. Me." I said again through my teeth

" Okay, if you want it so badly I'll send Jake in here to take you out," Tom said, leaving the room. Jake came into the room with a gun. He closed the door behind him. I let out a whimper.

"Let me out," I cried, tugging on the ropes

"Listen," Jake said grabbing the sides of the chair and whispering in my ear., " I need to hit you and then I'm going to shoot the gun, you need to act like you died, I know you're in pain right now, but you need to try your hardest,"

"Okay, how long does this last," I asked him, shifting uncomfortably.

"About five minutes," he said. He hit me across the face making my lower lip bleed. I spat out blood. Tom walked into the room. Jake grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.

"So you think you're smart?!" He yelled at me. I didn't answer, "Listen sweetheart, I need an answer from you, now!" I still didn't respond. He let go of my hair and walked to the back of the room.

"Don't shoot, I'm sorry, I-I'll tell you anything," I said playing it off. The pain stopped pulsing. Finally. I heard the gunshot. Something hit the back of my head and splattered with what looked like fake blood. I held my head still over my lap.

"Three in one day, Jake," Tom said, "I'm impressed,"

"Hey, thanks man, I'll clear the body and we'll find out what idiot gave her the gun,' Jake said untying my hands.

"Alright, see you around, Jake," Tom said

"See ya, Tom," Jake replied. Tom left and Jake me too the other room. Laying me on the bed.

"Thank you, Jake," I whispered.

"No problem, stay here, I'll lock the door," He said leaving. He closed the door and I felt the darkness swirling and churning. I was gone. I felt the shock collar around my neck.

"This is exciting," I said to myself. I crawled over to Mark and Jack, "Hey, wake up," I whispered. Their eyes opened, both drowned in black. I felt faded.

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