Cold Chicken

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Mark shoved him down onto the ground. Jack collapsed. Ethan then came out of nowhere and hit Mark over the head with a lamp. Mark then collapsed. I ran over to him, checking his pulse.

"Thanks Ethan," I said

"Ya, no problem," He responded

"Hey...Ethan, That's your name right," Jack said. I think he was too drunk to understand what happened. Ethan and I exchanged looks.

"How long have you been here?" Ethan asked

"A few weeks I think," I replied. No, it had been two months, I think. We got our second package, Didn't we?

"OMIGOSH!" Jack screamed, "YOU ARE BLEEDING!"

"Ethan, get him up stairs and into bed please, I'm going to go fix myself," I said. I walked into the bathroom. There was some ripped t-shirts already. I took the ones that I was wearing off and replaced them with the new ones.

I walked out of the bathroom, still trying to process what just happened. I saw Ethan sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I walked over to him, sitting right next to him.

"You okay?" I asked

"How do you do this?" He said

"I.... I don't know," I replied, looking at Marks limp body on the floor.

"You were stabbed, and your hands were stained. I was just shocked with a shock collar with onions on my eyes," Ethan said

"Ethan, look at me," I said. His head lifted up, "I will stand up for you, I will take the beating for you, I dragged you into this, it's my payment,"

"No, you don't need to do that," He said

"Ethan, go upstairs and get some rest before they wake up," I said

"But, what about..." I cut him off

"Just go, I'll take care of it," I said. I watched him go upstairs. I then bolted to the fridge. I grabbed so fried chicken and started shoving it in my mouth. It was so good, even though I didn't bother heating it up. This was the first time I've eaten in forever. I finished and put the empty container into the sink. I heard Mark's moan from the living room. I popped my head out of the kitchen.

"Mark?" I said, he tried to get up, but collapsed again.

"I need... ice," He said

"Okay," I went into the kitchen and grabbed a ice packet. I went back into the living room and handed it to him. I then helped him up.

"You need to go to bed," I said, putting his arm over my shoulder. I then ushered him up the stairs, into his room. I laid him on his bed then started to exit the room.

"Don't leave," He whispered

"I'm just gonna be downstairs, call me if you need me," I said, closing the door behind me. I had the house to myself. I went downstairs and sat in the kitchen in silence. It was so fulfilling. No screams, no pain, just silence.

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