Mark's Jacket

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"What are you going to do," He whined, "Kill me?"

"No, we just need a place to stay and this was the first one on the left," Mark said.

"Mark go find a room for us and Jack take your pick, any room but this one," I said. They went off through the house and went searching.

"So, you're just going to raid my house like that?" The boy said.

"Ya actually," I said. I looked at him, his face was filled with disgust.

"Look I may look dumb, but I can handle myself," He snapped

"No doubt that you can't, The gun came in handy, but it wasn't real," I said grabbing the gun off the floor. I pulled the trigger and a little clicking sound followed. I was impressed, they never used to make fake guns like these.

"H-how did you know?" He asked, his voice quivering.

"A nice kid like you in a nice neighborhood like this, I guessed," I said, "How old are you?"

"I'm 16," He replied

"Name?" I asked

"Steven," He said

"Hello Steven," I replied, "Do you know anyone around here that can help me with something,"

"Uh, what type of something," He said. I lifted up my shirt to reveal my bullet wound.

"With this, I need some new stitching and Mark is no doctor," I said

"You were shot?" He said in awe.

"Yes, and stabbed, and shocked, and shot again," I said

"So, you need a doctor?" He said

"A medical personnel, yes," I said

"Well there's Mr. Rodrek down the street..." He started

"Okay, any nearby refugee camps?" I cut him off.

"Uh, ya there's a Reunion camp at the end of town," He said. The Reunion. They were everywhere and I was a threat to them. THE threat to them. I bolted out of the room.

"Mark!" I called

"Yeah, what's up?" he said

"We need to leave," I said

"What, Why?" He asked grabbing my hands.

"The Reunion is literally just down the street, we can't stay here," I said in a panicked tone.

"Ev, breathe," He said. I couldn't, I just couldn't. I started to pace the room, my emotions like the monopoly game pieces. Mark grabbed my waist and pulled in towards him. I was facing him and his nose brushed against mine.

"Breathe," He said. I looked into his eyes and felt a bit more calm.

"Right, I'm sorry," I said. He kissed me and then pulled away.

"They don't know that we are here," he said. I nodded.

" I just... don't want anyone to die because of me," I said

"They won't," He said,

"Mark, I am a murderer, I am horrible," I said. His breath was creeping up my nose.

"No you're not," He said with a twinkle in his eye, "You're mine and I love you no matter what,"

"I love you too," I replied.

"I'm going to talk to the kid if you need me," He said, " You know, get as much information out of him as we can,"

"Okay," I nodded

"You going to be okay here?" Mark asked

"Ya, ya I'll be fine, I'll probably just take a nap," I said

"Okay," He said kissing me on the forehead and starting to shift away. I caught his jacket and took it off.

"Hey..." He started

"You smell good, I can't help it," I said putting it up to my nose. He laughed and left the room. I curled on the made bed, holding Mark's warm jacket to my chest.

"Hey Ems," Jack said. I sat up.

"Hey," I replied.

"I'm going to take the truck and find some food and resources," Jack said

"What?!" I said, startled.

"Ev, we are running out," He said.

"Fine," I hesitated, "Be careful,"

"I'll be back before you realized I was gone," He said leaving the room. I curled back onto the bed. Finally falling asleep to the smell of Mark's jacket.

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