Find Us a Place

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I woke up with a jolt. Mark was next to me and Jack must have been in a different room. The bullet wound on my thigh was healed. Seemed that every time something healed, something new seemed to ruin me. The nagging pain in my side was pulsing. I heard the similar beeps to every clinic that I had been in. I was just hoping that this one wouldn't be the same. I let out a small moan of pain while trying to sit up. I fell back to the bed. I put my hand to my head. A tear rolled down my cheek. I breathed out a shaky breath. The beeps next to me sped up. Mark turned over in a panicked look. I started to breath a little faster. Mark hopped off the bed yelling for someone. A young man jogged in and went straight to my abdomen.

"She's bleeding again!" He yelled.

"Is she going to be okay?" Mark said

"She'll be fine," The man said. The dark rose up and filled my head.

"How do you stop the bleeding?" Mark said

"Actually, she stopped bleeding on her...own," The doctor said

"Yes, I did," I said standing up. The man looked startled.

"Uh... Is that normal?" He asked Mark.

"Yes, it is," He said

"I may be crazy, but her bodies my body and I need to protect her. If she dies, I die," The dark said

"O-okay..." The man said.

"Get me a needle and twine and I'll stitch her up, and we'll leave," Mark said. The man ran and got Mark's things.

"Pretty," Mark said, dark,.

"Yes handsome," I replied

"We are leaving," He said

"I know," I replied. I walked over to him. I went normal, but Mark didn't. He gently ran his hand across my face.

"Just... stitch me up first, k?" I asked in a small voice. All Mark did was stare at me with his black eyes. He nodded slightly smiling at me. His face came closer to mine. His lips met mine. He pulled away.

"K," He said, his voice heavy. I went back dark and the doctor came into the room and handed Mark the small stitch kit. He must have seen Mark's eyes, because he ran out as fast as he could. He knelt down to my wound and started to stitch. He was done as fast as he started. Jack came wandering looking like he was on some type or pain killer. He turned dark once he saw me.

"Where's the car?" He managed to say.

"Out front," Mark said. We followed him outside and got into the silver car. I hopped in the passenger's seat, while Jack crawled into the back and fell asleep. Mark sped off like he was running from something.

"Handsome slow down, we don't have much gas," I said. Tracing his jawline with my index finger. I suddenly went back to normal and all the pain came flooding in. I leaned my head back to the headrest of the chair and breathed out.

"Hey Ev, you okay?" Mark said in his normal voice.

"I'm fine," I whimpered out.

"You're obviously not fine," He laughed a bit.

"Is it THAT obvious?" I said with a weak smile in return. He laughed a bit.

"Hey, Jack," Mark called back. Jack woke up.

"Ya, I'm up," He said sleepily

"Did that guy give us any painkillers?" Mark asked.

"Ya, I think there's a thing of morphine... Oh found it!" Jack hollered. He handed a small needle up to me.

"There is no way..." I started. Then Mark grabbed it out of Jack's hand and dipped it into my arm. I let out a little squeak.

"There, you didn't have to," Mark said laughing. I playfully smacked his arm

"Not cool," I laughed. He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his.

"You know what I'm going back to sleep," He said pretending to be sick. I laughed and put my new or pre-used converse on the dash.

"Where are we going?" I asked Mark, Inspecting his fingers.

"Not sure yet, I was actually wanting to just live somewhere for awhile," He said. I looked at him.

"It's probably the best idea," I said

"Why's that?" He asked

"Winter's almost here," I said, Mark didn't respond. I looked over to him, his eyes looking straight forward to the road.

"You're right," He eventually said, "We need to find a place to stay,"

"Ya, or we might as well be dead," I said.

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