Ditch Him

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"You're that stupid?" Jake laughed from the car, "I cut your back like last night and you're just now finding it,"

"I'm going to kill him," I said. Stumbling over to the car door. Mark came and grabbed my arm yanking me back, "No, Mark, I want to kill him I know where the gun is, let me kill him...." I felt drowsiness come over me. I fell unconscious.

"Shame, shame ,shame, shame..." I saw myself sitting in a corner and whispering it to myself.

"Hello," I called. She was me, she was always me. She turned around her black eyes crying.

"You think Mark would ever love you?" She said

"Yes, he loves me..." I said to myself. She laughed

"He doesn't love you, He doesn't need you," She said, mocking me.

"What..." I squeaked out, "Are you talking about?"

"HE DOESN'T CARE!" She screamed.

I woke up in a cold sweat, tears dripping down my face. I was so uncomfortable and cold. The sun was just peeking over the horizon. I sat up, pulling my legs to my chest. Mark was gone. I looked in the car, Jack and Jake were gone to.

"Great," I whispered to myself. I got in the driver's seat and tried to start the car. It stuttered then stopped. We were out of gas. I sat there for a little bit, just staring into nothing. After a few minutes I turned around seeing the gun in the back seat. They left the gun here. I grabbed it and exited the truck. I pointed it into the empty space above my head and shot. The bang lingering in the air. I heard voices in the distance. They were getting closer. I saw a man in all black, running towards me. That wasn't Mark. I pointed and shot. I missed. He shot, hitting the car window shattering it. I shot once more, hitting him. He fell to the ground lifeless. I heard Mark, yelling from the distance. I couldn't make out what he was saying. He finally got to me, out of breathe.

"Where did you go?" I asked him

"After Jake," He replied

"Where's Jake?" I asked

"He left once he knew the car was out of gas," Mark replied.

"Where's Jack?" I asked.

"He's coming," Mark said

"Okay, who the hell did I shoot?" I asked

"A Reunion," Mark said. He started to walk, I followed. We walked a while until we hit a patch of cars. Jack was standing in the middle with blood on his hands. His eyes black. Mine turned the same color.

"Pretty's back," Jack said in his dark voice.

"Yes she is," Mark said, he was gone to. Mark turned to me, his brown eyes digging deep into my skull, "What's wrong, pretty?"

"Nothing..." I replied

"Ev... I know something's up," He said in a normal voice.

"N-nothing," I replied my voice cracking. I was holding back everything, Ethan, my mom, and my family. The dark me wanted pain and suffering, the good part of me just wanted to cry, find a house and cry and drink. Unfortunately, my dark side was showing.

"Mark," I said. He turned dark again.

"Yes, pretty?" he said running his hand lightly across face.

"She needs your help," I said

"She does?" He said, and with that he started to kiss the back of my neck. I didn't want this. Jack came up to me and started to kiss me. The real me came back and shoved them away. I started sobbing. They were back to. Mark pulled me into a hug. I heard him tell Jack to get a car.

"I want to go home, Mark," I cried, He stroked my hair.

"I know, we all do," Mark replied to me.

"I'm tired of all the death and the pain, I want to just find a place and live," I said. He pulled me out of the hug and looked into my eyes.

"Then that's what we will do," He said to me. Jack pulled up in a beat down SUV. Mark climbed into the back and I followed. I fell asleep on his lap

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