You're Dark To?

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Hours went by with the sweet, sweet silence. I then heard the shuffling of feet up stairs. They were heavy. I ran into the living room closet. I saw Ethan walk down the stairs. He looked different. I realized that he was now gone to. His eyes were black, but he wasn't all the way there. He stumbled around the living room, grabbing onto things to hold him up. I then saw Jack walk down the. I saw Jack's eyes he was normal. His hand was on his head.

"Hey Ethan, Where's Ev?" Jack said. Ethan didn't turn around, "Hey Ethan," Jack grabbed his shoulder. Ethan whipped around grabbing Jack's arm.

"I feel different," Ethan said, his voice dark, "What did you do to me?"

"Ethan, wake up," Jack was so calm

"What did you do to me," Ethan's voice picked up. He looked incredibly scruffy. His brunette hair everywhere. I slowly opened the closet and Ethan's head turned in my direction. He bolted over to the closet. Grabbing the door and looking at me.

"Found you," He said. I hit him in the face. Ethan stumbled back, shaking his head. I walked out of the closet and kicked him. He collapsed.

"Good morning," I said to Jack

"Morning," He replied, "What time is it?"

"It's about 6:00 at night," I answered, "How's your head?"

"Awful," He replied. I reached into the freezer and grabbed yet another ice pack.

"Put this on your head," I said

"Thanks," He said

"So... uh... Ethan," I said

"It was Mark, he uh put stuff in his drink,"

"What? When?" I asked

"I'm not sure, but he's under, Ethan, I mean,"

"This should be fun,"

"Ya no joke, Why didn't you sleep?"

"Uh...Not tired, I guess,"

"Your shoulder!" Jack saw the blood stains.

"Uh... ya you accidentally grabbed it when you were drunk," I said unwrapping the shirts

"Shoot, did I? I am so sorry,"

"It's fine," I said. Jack's eyes widened, "What?" I looked down and my veins around it were black.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot," I said Running into the bathroom. Jack followed

"It's not infected," He said inspecting it, "It's the same stuff that is on your hands. It just going to progress down your arm, you'll be fine,"

"Are you sure?" I turned around and looked it the mirror. It had started on my back but it looked like it stopped.

"Ev?" It was Mark's voice it was coming from the living room.

"I'm in here!" I called back. I saw Mark's face peep into the bathroom.

"What did you do?" Mark said.

"Nothing, I think it was Jack when I let him out." I said

"Oh," Mark said

"There is some food in the fridge," I said. Mark and Jack both went running into the kitchen, leaving me all alone in the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I started to cry. I was alone now. Ethan was gone, Jack was mentally dead, and Mark left forever. I backed up, my back hitting the wall. I acted as if I didn't care, but I did with all my heart. I wanted to cuddle Jack all day until he got over his hangover. I wanted to sit on the couch with Mark watching those old western movies that no one liked. I wanted to play board games with Ethan until we fell asleep. I cared. My world kept on getting worse and worse. I saw the mirror. I saw an empty person standing there, staring back at me. Her eyes were empty too, the only thing that filled them were the love for her lovers. I had seen enough. I ran up punching the mirror, shattering it. I screamed through my anger. My knuckles were now bleeding. My hands went up to my hair. I then heard Mark and Jack's voices at the door. Jiggling the locked handle.

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