Too Far

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"Oh, uh" He said.

"Oh, geez, I'm so sorry about this, uh, here," Jack said closing the door. I laughed a little bit.

"I can't believe that worked," Mark chuckled.

"I know," I said laughing silently. Jack was outside talking to the man. I went to the door and listened a bit. Mark followed me.

"So, you're good to go, uh... have you digested any pills lately?" The man asked

"No, I haven't and neither have they," Jack replied

"Alright tell me if you see anything new," The man walked out the front door. Mark and I walked out of the room.

"Okay, that went way too far," Jack said looking at us. We still didn't have any shirts on.

"Hey it worked didn't it?" Mark said. I laughed

"I'm going to go out on a shirt now," I said going to grab my tank top. I walked into the room and saw the man.

"Hello," He said to me

"Hi..." I replied. I saw the gun on the side table behind him.

"I thought you were someone else when I walked in here, but you're the one they are looking for," He said standing up and grabbing my arm.

"Who are you?" I asked pulling slowly towards my side table.

"We call ourselves the reunion," He said. I grabbed the gun and turned the safety off.

"Oh... why are you looking for me?" I said.

"You are too dangerous for the world now," He said. I whipped the gun out and pressed it to his temple.

"Too dangerous, huh? Guess you're right," I said shooting the gun. Mark and Jack ran into the room.

"He didn't leave, did he," Jack said

"We need to go, if anyone asks, we are part of the FR," I said

"Who is the FR?" Mark asked

"I don't know, but we need to go," I said. I ran out of the house, Mark and Jack trailing behind me. I hopped into the truck and started it.

"Shoot," I said, as the truck stuttered to a stop.

"What's the problem?" Mark asked

"We're out of gas," I said. I got out of the truck and went to the backyard. I opened the fence gate and went down the alley.

"I know where another car is," Jack said

"Where?" I said. I heard hollers from inside the house. I grabbed Mark's collar and pulled him behind the trash bin. Jack crouched with us.

"It's in that garage," He said, pointing across the alley way. The backdoor opened.

"We need to move," I said

" Alright, me and Mark will go get the car you distract," Jack said

"Okay," I responded

"Be careful," Mark said giving me a quick kiss, then he scurried off with Jack. I took a deep breathe.

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