Followed to Closely

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"Someone's following us," I said I pulled over on the side of the road. I got out with my gun in hand. I had three shots left. The car pulled directly behind me. A women and a man came out.

"We are looking for a little girl," The women said. She had been crying, "We left her in a house last night and now she's gone. You are the people we saw leaving,"

Mark got out and walked around the car.

"Careful Ev," He mumbled

"I can help you," I said, I went over to Jack's side. He handed me the little girl and I carried her out.

"Is this her?" I asked

"Yes oh my goodness, yes!" The women came over and grabbed her. The man then came up with a gun. He pointed it at my face.

"Why the hell would you take her!" He yelled at me.

"Sir..." I said

"Answer the question!" He said, cutting me of.

"I was protecting her!" I screamed. Mark stepped up and grabbed my arm. The man put his gun down and looked at me.

"What?" He said

"You don't leave a little girl at a house alone," I said, "You're welcome for returning your kid," I walked back into the car and got in. Mark got in the car after me.

"Ev your bleeding," Mark said

"Not now Mark," I said

"What just happened?" Jack asked

"Ya, I'm really confused," Ethan said. I looked in my rearview mirror. There were four more cars coming up from the rear.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I said. I started the car and peeled out of there. The car accelerated quickly.

"Hold on," I said I turned the car sharply on what looked like a paved county road. I pushed the brakes and the car stopped in the tall wheat. The other cars drove past not knowing where we went. Which was kinda weird because we were kinda hard to miss.

Mark looked at me stunned.

"Where in the hell did you learn to drive like that," He said laughing

"Where in the hell did you get your aim too," Jack said. Ethan just started laughing.

"My dad was a navy seal and my mom was a stunt driver," I replied

"How did I miss that? I met your parents," Ethan said

"It's not something I like to talk about," I said looking at the cars in front. They started to turn around. I got out of the car with a fully loaded gun. I stood in the middle of the road, in front of the oncoming cars. I started to shoot. I counted the bullets in my head. I shot the first cars tires.

"One," I said quietly to myself. The car skidded and hit the another car on the right. I shot the other car's tires.
"Two," I mumbled. It skidded into a ditch. I shot the last cars tires.

"Three," It skidded and hit one of the cars that had been abandoned. I heard Mark running up from behind me.
"Ev, get in the car," He said frantically
"What, why?" I said laughing a bit from what I just did.
"Just listen to me," He said grabbing my waist, I flinched with pain, "You are losing a lot of blood,"
"Mark, I'm fine," I said. I felt a cloth wrap around my mouth. I Mark grabbed my gun from my hands and shot. The cloth slid from my mouth. I felt so dazed.

"M...Mar...Mark what's...going...on," I said through a parade of coughs. He grabbed me and through me in the passenger's seat. He ran around the back and jumped into the driver's seat.

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