He Loves Me...

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"Ev, Open the door!" Mark said

"Ev let us in we can help you," Jack said, banging on the door. This is what Jack meant when he said I was coming along nicely. I was so angry and sad that I had turned heartless. I was a monster. I was worse than Jack, Mark and Ethan. I sat against the wall, completely ignoring Jack and Mark's calls. I started to recite a poem that My mother used to tell me;

Watch out for the boogie man under the bed, just remember that it's all in your head, Yet I am always here for you, So if you need me run into my room, crawl into my bed, and off we will zoom. Fear no witches with their brooms, Finally goodnight to you, Sweet dreams my dear, there is nothing to fear.

The knocking stopped. I stood up and unlocked the door. Mark and Jack were standing outside. They looked at me and the shattered mirror from inside the bathroom.

"I'm going upstairs now," I said choking on tears, "Call me if you need me,"

I then walked upstairs and went into Jack's room. I didn't want to crawl into my own bed. I crawled onto his bed grabbing one of his jackets. I put it up to my nose taking a deep breath in, it smelled of old spice and clean laundry. I laid there for a little bit. I then walked over to Mark's room, crawling onto his bed, then grabbing a jacket and smelling it. Axe and faint leather. I fell asleep in Mark's room, tightly grasping the jacket. I shivered throughout the night. Somewhere in the middle of the night I felt a warm body press up against me. A warm breath crept down my neck.

"Look Ev," It was Mark's sweet and calm voice "You are the best thing that ever happened to me and it hurts me to see you hurt. I love you. I know that you won't respond because, you're asleep, but when you wake up in the morning I will be there I promise," The whisper ended and a hand slipped around my waist pulling me closer to his warmth. I turned around. I put my forehead on his. I could feel his smile. I felt so secure in his arms. I then drifted deeper into sleep.

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