Knife Fights

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'You are one lucky man, Mark," Jonas said.

"Y-ya," Mark replied, stupidly

"She's sexy, and she can fight," Jonas said.

" Uh-huh," Was all Mark could get out.

"Mark? Do you need to take care of something?" Jonas said with a chuckle.

"I-I think I'm okay," Mark said. I laughed a bit and then headed up stairs. I saw Jack hugging little Lisa in the middle of the hallway.

"Ev!" She shrieked with joy. Jack turned around and smiled at me. Lisa ran up and gave me a big hug. I lifted her up and held her.

"How are you feeling Jack?" I asked

"Better, much better, Sorry I did that to you two, I really didn't mean it at all," He said

"Look we've all been there at one point," I said.

"They can manipulate the dark for a certain amount of time so we need to be really careful around these people," He said

"So... They can have power over us?" I asked.

"They sure can," He replied, Reaching out and stroking Lisa's hair.

"We'll just have to be on guard," I said, Putting Lisa down. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Oh, and Mark wants to get wasted tonight, so, Just tell me when he's done," I said through a whisper to Jack. He chuckled.

"I'll keep that in mind," He said. He grabbed Lisa's hand and took her downstairs. I headed to Mark and I's room. I closed the door behind me and looked out the window, leaning my hands on the window sill. I let out a long breath. I heard the door open behind me. I turned around to see Jonas.

"Oh hey Jonas, I thought you were Mark," I said

"No," he laughed, "I was coming up to tell you, he is so loud,"

I laughed, "I know," He laughed in return.

"Sorry about that," I apologized.

"Oh, don't be," he said, taking a seat in the chair in the corner.

"I heard girls are hard to find these days," I said

"Oh yeah, there used to be a girl camp in the neighborhood across from ours, but a bunch of men came in and took them all," Jonas said, leaning back in his chair.

"Why do you think women are so valuable?" I asked

"I'm not entirely sure," Jonas replied in a concerned tone.

"Well, don't be expecting to protect me," I said.

"Don't worry I won't," Jonas said, chuckling. I stood up and grabbed a dagger of the dresser.

" Do you have anymore daggers?" I asked

"Yeah, we have plenty," Jonas replied," They are in a drawer near the sink,"

"Thanks," I said heading out the door and down stairs. I opened the drawer to see a large variety of knives. I smiled and I grabbed a few. I headed out back, looking for something to practice with. I saw a large tree in the corner of the yard.

"Perfect," I whispered to myself. I grabbed two daggers and got ready to throw. I threw one then spun throwing the other. The second landed perfectly parallel to the first. I heard the door open behind me. I turned around to see a large man behind me.

"Wanna practice?" He said through a british accent, smirking.

"Sure, hope you're into losing," I replied.

"I doubt that I will lose," He said. I tossed him a knife. He caught the handle. I grabbed mine and readied myself. He lunged forward, his knife leading I spun out of his way, hitting him in the back of the head with the back of my knife. He grunted and then turned around, swinging his legs, trying to knock me down. I flipped backwards, moving my dagger so the blade was resting against my skin. He came at me again, swinging his arm with the knife at my face. I blocked it with the hand that was holding the knife.

"You may have skill, but you still can't win," He said. I dropped the knife into my free hand and swung, barely missing his face. He backed away, stumbling on loose dirt. I lunged forward, grabbing his shirt and pulling myself behind him. I held his head, so he would stay still. I finished be holding the knife to his throat. He tapped my arm twice and I let go.

"Still think I won't win?" I asked

"Remind me to never challenge you again," He said laughing.I laughed and threw my knife against the tree trunk, land it sideways, just above the other two.

"What's your name?" The man asked

"Evelina," I replied. He repeated it silently,

"My name's Edison," he said

"That's a nice name," I said

"Uh, I saw you out here and I was wondering if you want to go out sometime?" Edison said.

"I'm actually engaged," I said, grabbing another knife and inspecting it.

"Oh," he said, "Who's the lucky guy?" Almost on que Mark walked out and kissed my neck.

"This is Mark," I replied to him. Mark extended his hand and Edison shook it.

"Hey," Mark said with a friendly grin.

"I'll see ya around Evelina," Edison said, heading back into the house.

"Who was he," Mark asked.

"That was Edison, I beat him at a knife fight," I said.

"That's my girl," Mark said laughing. I suddenly heard yelling from the front of the house. Mark and I ran inside to see what the problem was.

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