Welcome to the Bunker

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"Well here we are," Steven said turning on the lights. The bunker was huge.

"How big is this place?" I asked

"Three bedrooms, four bathrooms, living room, and I think a full functioning kitchen, there are also two storage units full of food," He replied

"Geez," Mark said, "How long did it take them to make this?"

"Their whole life," He replied, "You guys can find rooms,"

I went to one room complete with wood floors and everything. It looked like a normal room just without windows. Mark walked in after me, closing the door.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"9 at night," I said. Mark grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You want to do something tonight?" He said smirking.

"I can try on that dress you bought me," I said brushing my lips off of his.

"I would like that," He said. I backed away and grabbed the dress out of the bag and went to the bathroom to try it on. I walked out, the dress fitting so perfectly. To be perfectly honest, I hated dresses, but this was a one time thing...I hoped.

"You look stunning," Mark said grabbing my waist again.

"Good," I said wrapping my arms around his neck, "What next?"

"I was hoping..." He started, I interrupted him with a kiss. I heard a knock on the door. It was Steven.

"I'll get it," I said breaking out of the kiss. I walked to the door brushing my hair back. I opened it. Steven's eyes grew wide.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Uh...uh..." He stuttered, "M-Mark, this is your girlfriend?"

"Ya she's a prize, isn't she," Mark said with pride. I looked back at him, giving him a playful glare. He only smirked back.

"Uh... I was uh..." Steven started, "I uh... dinners ready..." He was sweating.

"Thanks Steven," I said, "We'll be right out," I closed the door. Mark pinned me against the wall kissing me. I kissed back.

"We should probably go to dinner," Mark said.

"It can wait," I said, connecting our lips again. There was another knock on the door.

"Hey, lovebirds, dinner," It was Jack's voice.

" And that's our que," I said. I ran to the bathroom and got changed. We headed out the door. The smell of canned food filled the bunker. We found the dining room and sat down.

"Thanks for dinner you guys," I said.

"Steven made it," Jack said. Steven was still sweating.

"Thanks Steven," I said.

"Uh... n-no problem," Steven said. I laughed a bit. We finished dinner which was strange because it was so late and the fact that we all sat down for dinner.

"Steven," I said, "How do you get water down here?"

"Uh...W-when is rains, there is a drainage system, that uh... catches everything. There's also solar power so we always have electricity," He was acting so strange and I had a feeling I knew why.

"Hey, Ev, did you end up trying on that dress?" Jack asked.

"Ya I did," I said.

"Can you try it on? I want to..." Jack started. He looked over at Mark. Mark rolled his eyes playfully and nodded.

"Go put the dress on, Ems," Mark said.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"Just to show Jack," He said.

"Fine," I said getting up from the table. Our room was only a few feet from the kitchen so while I was changing, I listened in on their conversation.

"Steven, did your grandparents have any whiskey?" Mark asked.

"Ya, they have some in the top cabinet in the kitchen," He said. I heard a chair squeak and footsteps leading into the kitchen.

"Hey, uh... Jack?" Steven asked.

"Ya?" Jack replied

"I-I have a uh... problem..." He said shyly.

"What is it... oh... never mind," Jack said. I was finished getting dressed and I headed out the door. Steven covered his mouth and looked away. Jack whistled as Mark set down a shot glass and some whiskey in front of him.

"You look so damn attractive in that," Jack said, pouring himself a shot.

"Watch yourself, Jack," Mark said smiling at me, "She's mine. Ems, Give us a spin," I blushed a bit and spun. I curved my back a bit, just trying to tease Mark. Steven looked back over letting his hand fall to the table. He looked at me again. His hand shot up to his mouth again. He twitched a bit, smacking the table with his knees.

"I can't..." Steven said running to a nearby restroom.

"What was that all about?" Mark said, pouring himself a shot.

"Well, let's just put the two together shall we," Jack said slamming the shot down, "Teenage boy, sexy looking lady,"

"Oh..." Mark said looking over to me, then back to Jack, "Honestly who wouldn't?"

"That's what I'm saying," Jack said

"Guys, I am right here," I said, pouring myself a shot. I took it and put the cup back down. I sat down in the dining room chair and looked at Mark and Jack.

"We're just saying," Jack said, pouring himself another shot.

"I just... didn't know I had that effect on people," I said, looking at Mark, smirking. His mouth slightly opened.

"Hey Steven!" Jack called

"Uh...Ya?" He replied from the bathroom.

"Have you ever had whiskey?" Jack called.

"Uh, no," He replied.

"Get the hell in here," Jack said. He grabbed another shot glass and filled it half way full. Steven came out of the bathroom. He looked like a mess. He sat down and grabbed the shot glass. Mark filled mine and his up. Jack stood up.

"A toast to Steven and his weird grandparents for making this bunker," He said in a cheesy accent. We all lifted our little shot glasses and drank them. Steven took his and coughed.

"You okay there, Steven?" Jack asked patting him on the back.

"Ya... I'm good," He said.

"Well boys, I'm going to bed," I said, setting my shot glass upside down. I stood up and started to walk to Mark and I's room. I was ready to get changed out of this dress. I got to my room put a sports bra on and some athletic shorts and crawled into bed. The mattress was perfect. I held a pillow close to my body and closed my eyes. I heard the door open. Mark took off his shirt and crawled into the bed next to me. I turned over to face him.

"Did you have a good night?" Mark asked

"I guess you can call it a good night," I said smiling slightly.

"I love you," He said, pulling me towards his chest.

"I love you too," I said, falling asleep.

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