Hell on Earth

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He breathed in. I sighed in relief. I put my forehead on his. His blood was all over me.

"Ev..." He said weakly. I cried in joy that he was still alive.

"I told you he was alive," Jake said. I started to untie his hands. He had rope burns on his wrists. His hands went up to my face and he smiled weakly.

"You're okay, you're really okay," I said between sobs.

"Grab him and let's go," Jake said. I pulled Mark out of the chair and slung his arm over my shoulders. He stumbled everywhere.

Jake lead us back to his room, I put Mark on the bed.

"I'll go grab Jack," He said leaving the room. I

"Hey Ev," Mark said opening his eyes.

"Mark I was so worried," I said laying my head on his chest.

"Don't be," He said stroking my hair. Jake came back into the room, with Jack looking just as bad as Mark.

"Ems, Brady's coming in here again, lay them on the side of the bed so he won't see them," Jake said. I helped Mark up and laid him on the floor by the bed. I stroked his hair.

" Do what he says, okay?" He said weakly.

"Okay, I love you," I said to him. It made him smile. Jack was passed out next to him.

"Ev, hurry up," Jake said. I walked over to him, "Take off your shirt,"

"What? No," I replied

"Do it," He snapped. I listened and unbuttoned my flannel. I wasn't done when he shoved me against the wall and started to kiss me again. Brady walked in.

"Jake, Tom wants her," Brady said

"Tell Tom..." He said still kissing my neck.

"Tell me what," A brown haired man said. Jake looked up.

"I'm not done with her," Jake said

"You're going to be," Tom said yanking me away from Jake. I tried to get away. Jake looked concerned. They closed the door and threw me into Jack's room. There was chair in the center and a wide selection of what looked like torture tools. They tied me down to the chair. The ropes were so tight.

"Now, where did you get this," Tom said showing me my gun.

"Stole it from a kid a few miles outside the city," I replied

"Ah, now, did you shoot this kid?" He asked

"No," I said. A blow of pain went straight through my temple. I let out a little squeak.

"I was expecting a yes," He said walking over to the table with all the tools. He picked up small dagger. No, this can't be happening, I thought. He put it back down. I let out a breath of relief. He picked up what looked like a syringe and small jar of liquid. He walked over to me.

"This is a high pain med," he said showing me the jar.

"Like painkiller?" I asked. Blood was getting into my eye.

"No, like pain maker, in here are little bacteria that sting the insides of your veins, I've hear it's like hell on earth," He said

"What did they use it for," I said calmly.

"They used it to dull pain actually, it gave the gunshots and cuts a little less pain than usual," he said, He put it on the ground next to me and grabbed a shock collar. Great. He put it around my neck.

"Alright let's get started," He said filling the syringe and sticking it into my skin. He was right, this was like hell on earth.

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