Still Want a Ride?

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"Ah, yes pretty, he's all yours," Mark said turning dark. A circle formed with my little body at one end and one large man's at the other. He charged toward me, but I swiftly moved out of the way, smacking him in the back of the head with my right fist. His hand went up and held it. People cheered.

"See Redwick, Pain is a prison," I said, "You need to learn to let yourself out," He turned around and charged again. I jumped out of the way and tripped him. His face skidded across the ground. People cheered louder.

"You're trying too hard Redwick," I said inspecting my nails. He stood back up and swung. I ducked and he hit a young man square in the face, knocking him down.

"Just let me hit you and you can go," He said, blood dripping from his nose.

"No, I can't let my Mark see me bleed or you, sir, would be, very, very dead," I said He swung for my abdomen . I ducked dodging his fist. The crowd cheered.

"You can't leave," Redwick said charging again. This time I kicked him in the face. He fell to the ground groaning.

"Redwick, I'm going to, and you're going to watch me," I said. I grabbed the back of his shirt and sat him against the wall. I grabbed Mark by his collar, his black eyes meeting mine, and we kissed. The crowd cheered and I could tell how annoyed Redwick was at that. We pulled apart and I waved goodbye to half-dead Redwick. The large crowd followed us out the door, cheering me on. The normal creeped back in. I blinked a few times and remembered what I just did. I asked Jack for clarification.

"Did I just beat up Redwick?" I asked

"Ya, you did," He answered, "Mark was right, you are a badass,"

"I'm so proud," Mark said laughing. I laughed in return and fell into his arms. We got in our car and left the crowd in the distance and this time I was driving.

Mark and Jack were asleep. I drove the empty road, occasionally running into a few broken and empty cars. I looked out the windshield and saw a group of people. They ran out into the road waving their arms. I had no choice but to stop. I rolled down the window and looked at the rugged people.

"Could you give us a ride?" One rugged man said. He was young and looked like he was in his twenties.

"I'm sorry I can't," I said. The young man leaned into the window.

"Come On sweetheart, please?" He said. I twisted around and grabbed the gun from the back seat. He leaned out the window a bit. I held it up so it was clear that the safety was off.

"Still want a ride?" I chirped.

"We'll find something else, thanks," Another young man said.

"Thought so," I said. All of the people moved out of the way and I continued on. I looked back. I could see the people walking behind me. They were so small from a distance. I looked back to the road. There was a sign that read 'Exit 590'. I slowed down when the exit appeared. It looked like it hadn't been driven on. Plants were climbing up from underneath the concrete. I drove the car down it and found to small travel shops. I pulled into one of the parking spots. I looked at Mark and Jack. Still both soundly asleep. I opened the car door, stepping out. I grabbed the keys and locked the small car.I slipped the gun in the rim of my jeans. After all this time I hadn't even noticed what I was wearing. I still had the combat boots but, I had skinny jeans and a black long sleeve on instead, Mark's bag also draped over my shoulder. How did I get these? I asked myself.

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