This is My Place!

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We stood up and threw the sleeping bags in and a few extra supplies and started out of the campsite. Another scream rose out of the dead air. I could barely make out a 'help me'. The dark started to bleed through.

"Pretty," Mark said. He put the car to a stop.

"Yes, handsome," I replied dark.

"Guess someone needs help," He said

"Mark, can we please, I miss fighting," Jack whined. I slightly looked back at Jack, then back to Mark. A crooked smile broke my lips.

"Why don't we go and see what it is first," I said

"Good idea, we don't want to be dead quite yet," Mark said. His voice was so much heavier when he was dark. We drove to where the scream came from. There was a girl on the ground, a tall man stood over her, blood on his hands.

"What do you want?" He voice was dark like ours

"We need someone to... 'help'" Jack said, grinning.

"Sorry, I don't need help," He said

"Look, you're like me and I'm like you," I said opening the door and stepping out of the car, "What, do you need help with?"

"Well..." He started. The normal slammed back into my head. I stepped back a bit and looked around. The man in front of me was dark and rambling on about something.

"What?' I said in barely a whisper. The man suddenly pulled out a gun.

"You're not listening!" He yelled. He shot hitting me in my gut. My hands went to my wound and I fell to the ground blacking out.

I woke up in pain. Unbelievable pain. I sat up a bit. I saw Mark and he gently set me back down onto the ground. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him.

"M-Mark, I can't hear you," I mumbled out. Suddenly a sharp pain went through where the bullet hole was. I screamed and Mark held my hands down.

"Stop! Please! Stop!" I screamed. The pain ceased, and I breathed out.

"The bullet was still in you," Mark said. Everything was still muffled, I barely made out what he had said. I just closed my eyes and nodded. I was lifted and placed in the back of the truck with Mark. The car started and we drove out of the campsite.

"Jack do you know where the nearest hospital or clinic is?" Mark called

"No," Jack replied, "We'll find one,"

"M-mark," I said in barely a whisper.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He said , panicked.

"What...Happened?" I asked

"You were shot, we killed him, we removed the bullet and now we're driving to... somewhere," He said. I looked down my body at my wound. There was blood everywhere.

"Dude, she's losing too much blood," Jack said

"Shut up! I know," Mark yelled.

"I'm trying to help you!" Jack yelled back.

"Stop!" I yelled as strongly as I could, "Stop,"

"Sorry Ev," They both said.

"I am bleeding out, yes, I know. So I need both of you to put your brains back into your skulls and think for a minute before I die! Got it?!" I said. I started to feel more and more light headed.

"We can make it to a nearby town, the closest one is fifteen miles away," Jack said

"I'm find something in my bag to absorb the blood," Mark followed.

"Now... We are... getting somewhere," I said. I lost all consciousness after that.

I woke up, but it was in the house that I killed Tom in. I was standing in what seemed to be a memory. I saw the dark me being pinned on the wall by the guards. Tom said something and I snapped back at him.

"What are you doing here?" The dark me said

"W-what?" I stuttered

"You aren't supposed to be here!" I yelled

"Why?" I asked,curiously.

"This is my place not yours!" I said. I fell through the floor.

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