I Know You're Scared...

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I woke up in the same room. My eyes fluttered and a light breeze blew through. I turned to my side and breathed in. Something smelled like Mark. I looked what I was lying on. It was Mark's jacket. I sat up and looked around the room. Mark wasn't in here. I saw his guns on the dresser. I stood up and grabbed one inspecting it. It was fully loaded. I opened the door, Mark's gun in hand. I peeked my head out and listened for voices. I heard a floorboard creak from down the hall. I snapped back and pointed the gun behind me. There was no one there. I continued away from the stairs. I saw a door from down the hallway. I never noticed it before. I stopped and listened through the doorway. It didn't sound like anyone was inside. I turned the door handle and went inside, ready to shoot, I went in to see pictures and plans. There was a desk and a chair in the center. I walked over to the desk covered in papers and looked through them. There were notes upon notes of the same message. It was the same message that Mark had found on the dead soldier. There was a pen to the side of an unfinished note. I moved the notes to see a picture of me. I turned it over to see a few words scribbled on the back. It said; Find her, Save her. I dropped the picture and backed away from the desk.

"I see you've found my office," I heard a voice from the doorway. I looked up to see Jonas. He shut the door slowly behind him.

"Why do you have a picture of me?" I asked, angrily. I cocked the gun at my side.

"I had to know it was you somehow," He said, smiling weakly.

" Don't lie to me," I said through gritted teeth. I put my finger on the trigger even though the gun was still at my side.

"I'm not lying to you Evelina," he said,

"Where'd you get those notes?" I asked, gesturing my head to the side slightly.

"We found them off of dead soldiers," He said.

"It looks like you have been writing them Jonas!" I yelled. Tears started to break my voice.

"I haven't been writing them," he said calmly. I pulled the gun up and pointed it at him.

" They are on YOUR desk in YOUR office!" I yelled again.

"Calm down, Ev," He said.

"If you want me to calm down, you need to tell me the truth," I said, tears running down my face.

"This was a New Era house before it was ours," he said.

"That's not a valid excuse," I said, still pointing the gun at his head.

"That's the way it went," He said.

"Then explain to me why my picture was under all of that," I said

"Ev, calm down," He said again.

"This gun is cocked you know..." I said, "Cocked and ready to shoot,"

"I can't give you a good explanation, Ems," He said

"Yeah, I noticed," I said, angrily.

"Ev..." Jonas started

"I don't want to hear anything from you, I feel like you lied to me. How was I supposed to know that those men were actually New Era soldiers?!" I yelled at him. Jonas sat down behind the desk. I kept my gun trained on him the entire time.

"Where's Mark?" I asked.

"He's downstairs," He replied.

"Or are you lying to me?" I said. I was starting to lose connection with sanity.

"No," he said. I went dark and pushed his chair to the wall behind him. I held the gun to his head.

"How about Jack, huh?" I yelled at him, "Where are you hiding them, Jonas!" I heard footsteps stomping up the stairs and into the room.

"They aren't being held captive!" Jonas yelled back.

"I will blow your stupid brains out!" I yelled, grabbing onto his shirt and slamming his head to the wall behind him.

"Ev, I know you can hear me..." It was Mark's voice. I loosened my grip a bit on Jonas's collar. The gun fell a bit.

"You're not mine..." I said tearing up.

"I am yours," He replied. I felt the dark tears start to sting my cheeks. I kept a grip on Jonas's shirt and turned the gun towards Mark. Every sane part in my body was fighting to turn the gun away, but the dark was to strong. He slowly put his hands up.

"Give him to me," I said through gritted teeth. His eyes swirled and went black.

"Pretty, this is a bit much," He said, still calm.

"He's one of them, handsome, I can't let him have me," I said, the tears flowing once again. Mark came up to me, wiping the tears away. He smiled at me.

"You're scared, pretty," He said, his voice hanging low in the air. I found my sanity again, and put the gun down. I let go of Jonas's shirt. I looked up at Mark who was still gone.

"It was a bit much..." I said, sniffling. He pulled me in. I could feel that he changed, because his embrace became more meaningful. I looked up at him. His brown eyes were so forgiving. I turned to Jonas, who seemed to be still in shock.

"I...I am so sorry about that," I said.

"It happens to the best of us," He choked out. Mark grabbed my hand and lead my out of the room and into ours.

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