How Did He Make It?

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"That's not possible," I replied, "Let me see the note," Mark handed me the note. I opened it. It read;

Please note that if you are to bring back Evelina Jefferson back alive, bring her to the main square to see Aaron. She will be immediately given to the Science Labs of The New Era.

I set the note down and looked at Mark.

"How can he still be alive?" I said in disbelief, "That's impossible,"

"I know. He had the weight of a city fall on him," Mark replied.

"Hey!" Jonas yelled, "What are you two doing, we won, we should be celebrating!"

I tucked the note into my back pocket and I smiled.

"Of course, Jonas!" I said, happily. I grabbed Mark's hand and pulled him up and off the ground. I looked at him.

"We should go get Lisa," He said. Jack walked out, Lisa's hand in his. She was smiling the biggest smile ever.

"Ev!" She squealed.

"Hey Lisa!" I replied, kneeling down and pulling her into my arms. Suddenly I heard a gunshot go off. I felt a large pain in my side. I heard Lisa scream. I let go and looked down at my side. Jack grabbed Lisa away and Mark came to my side. I touched where the pain was and pulled my hand up near my face. There wasn't any blood.

"M-Mark, I'm so confused," I said through pain. He looked at me confused to.

'You know what I realized?" A voice arose from the crowd. I looked up as men surrounded me with their guns up.

"I realized that everything happening in this world is for her, the one in the middle of that circle," The voice said, "It's all for her," The pain was starting to fade. I stood up pulling a knife out. I listened for the voice again.

"Everything that everyone does is always for her," The voice was coming from behind me. I pushed through the crowd of men and grabbed a man by the neck holding the knife to the back of his head. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back almost onto the knife. The man had brown hair and held what only looked like a dart gun. I went dark.

"Say that again..." I said through my teeth.

"Make me," he said without fear. I started to cut into his head a bit. I could see he was in a bit of pain.

" Say. It. Again," I said. He shot his dart gun and hit me in the same spot. I smiled at the pain.

"That didn't hurt you?" he said.

"Just because she falls, that doesn't mean that I will," I said.

"Ev!" A voice called from the crowd. My attention shot up, not letting go of the brown haired man. It was Mark. He wasn't dark.

"Let him be, we need him..." he said, calmly. I gripped his hair in pure frustration. I threw him to the ground. He tried to stand back up and fight but I kicked him in the head, knocking him out. Mark came up to me. I backed away in defense. He held his hand out gently. I started to reach out when I felt a needle hit my arm. I felt drowsy.

"Jonas! Call your men off!" Mark yelled.

"He's doing what is right," Jonas replied. I turned around threw my knife at Jonas. It missed him and landed on the ground right in front of him. I fell to the ground after that. I pulled in air as if I was dying. Mark came over and pulled me up into his arms. I was still dark in the process.

"Mark, I'm dying," I said dramatically, through my dark voice. I laid back in his arms.

"Ev, you're fine I promise," He said calmly. I went normal and curled up in Mark's arms.

"Hello," He said, smiling down at me.

"Hi," I said, groggily. My eyelids started to feel heavy. My limbs went limp. All around me went black and I fell unconscious once again.

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