Underground Refugees

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"Pretty, what are we doing down here?" Mark asked.

"Aaron said hide didn't he?" I said grinning up at Mark. I Heard movement down one of the tunnels we were standing next to. My attention turned towards it. Mark stepped in front of me, turning normal in the process. Jack and I went normal right after him.

"Who's there?" Mark called down a tunnel. The sounds of running water, filled my ears.

"Come back here," A voice said. I stepped up behind Mark and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, get away from the camera's, he's bound to find you if you're visible," Another voice called. A face appeared in the distance. It was a women's face.

"Who are you?" Mark called out. The girl walked closer to us, looking around for something.

"My name is Bridgit," She said, "Now you need to come with us, we know who you are, and we are here to help you,"

"How do you know who we are?" Jack asked, faking confidence.


down here knows who you are, who wouldn't? You basically saved everyone from the FR and Reunion," She said. We stood there and stared at her, "Please come with me we don't have much time," Mark started forward, pulling me along with him. Jack followed closely behind.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked.

"A safe haven, everyone in this city is clean from the pill, those who aren't, are executed, so all of us crazies live down here," Bridgit said.

"Is that safe? I mean, I have seen what the crazy can do..." Jack asked. Bridgit just ignored him and started to undo a large looking door. It cracked open and light spilled out. Not letting go of Mark's hand I followed Bridgit into the light filled room. The room was large and full of makeshift tents.

"Welcome to the haven," She said. People started to turn their heads toward us. I saw women and children. The children have gone mad. Suddenly, a little girl ran up to me and grabbed ahold of my leg.

"Thank you," She said, smiling up at me. I let go of Mark's hand and knelt down to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck in a big hug. I picked her up and held her.

"That's Lisa, she's three, we found her with no family and brought her down here, she hasn't eaten the pill so for her safety and all the others safety, we have a place to go when you lose it," Bridgit said. I nodded.

"She looks like she likes you," Mark said smiling at me.

"I guess so," I giggled back to him. I put Lisa down and let her run off.

"So, to get you guys started, we are going to chain you in the warehouse. All we need to see there is how dark you get," Bridgit said.

"O-okay," I replied.

"Sounds good," Jack said.

Bridgit led us to a wall with chains connected to it. Bridgit came up to me and put a cuff around my wrist.

"This is only for 24 hours, we will be back by this time tomorrow," She said. I looked to my sides. The chains were just far enough away so I couldn't touch anyone beside me, and they couldn't touch me.

"Who would have thought we'd be here," Mark said. Jack and I laughed.

"Right?" Jack replied.

"If this didn't happen, think of all the movies we could have watched," I said. Mark and Jack laughed at that.The dark started to creep up in my throat. I lost my sanity.

"Handsome, I didn't want this to happen, I just thought that the sewers would be a better option," I said, darkness in my voice.

"Pretty, you know that I trust you, but I do think that this is worthy of a punishment," Mark said.

"Oh ya pretty, you still need your punishment from the cabin," Jack chimed in.

"You're right Jack," Mark said.

"Handsome, what would my punishment be?" I asked

"That's for me to know and you to find out," He said.

"Oh. I love it when you're like this," I said smiling.

"I know you do," Mark replied, smirking. I sat against the cold concrete wall. I heard mumbling from the man next to me.

"Your gorgeous, you know that," He said to me. His eyes were black like mine.

"Sorry hun, but I'm taken," I replied.

"You touch her over there, you're dead," Mark called. I smiled my crooked smile at that. A soldier looking man came up to me.

"Hold out your wrist," He said, blandly. I smiled and held out the wrist with the chain on it.

"This wrist?" I smiled.

"No, other wrist," He said.

"Well if aren't going to unlock me I'm not holding my wrist out," I said. He suddenly held a gun up to my head. It wasn't loaded.

"Hold up your wrist please," He said again more annoyed. I stood up and Mark stood up with me. I think he was expecting something to happen, because him and Jack were watching me intently.

"You think that scares me?" I said. Slowly walking towards him. Fear started in his eyes as he backed away.

"Hey, I need back up!" He called.

"Pretty, play nice, we just got here," Mark laughed.

"Handsome, I'm bored and there's more men to take his spot," I said.

"Be my guest Pretty, I was hoping for a show," Mark said, smirking.

"Go on, shoot," I said, "I've already been stabbed," The man held up his gun and pretended like he was going to. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

"Right, I thought so," I said. I suddenly felt a needle down my back. I grunted a small bit. A strong ringing in my ears started. I shook my head trying to shake the awful sound. I heard Mark and Jack yelling my name. I went normal, but the ringing was still there. I collapsed to the ground facing Mark.

"Ev, Ev!" Mark called. I was just out of his reach. I fell unconscious again, only this time I wasn't close to Mark.

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