You Got Passengers?

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I went back normal and continued to cook. Mark came into the kitchen. He must have seen Steven.

"Woah," He said, "What the hell happened here?"

"He's crazy," I said, "Made me regret giving him a gun,"

"Gotcha," Mark said.

I looked through the cabinets for a few bowls. Once I found some I put the warm soup into one and handed it to Mark.

"Thanks," He said pecking me on the lips.

"No problem," I said. I poured one for Steven and Jack. I called Jack down.

"Hey thanks Ev," He said. Steven started to shift on the kitchen tiles. He sat up, holding his head.

"What the hell happened," He said.

"Kid, you are just as insane as I am," I said to him.

"What does that mean?" he said, confused.

"You took a pill," I said. I handed him a bowl of soup.

"Uh, thanks," he said

"We're leaving tomorrow," I said. Mark and Jack looked up from their bowls at me.

"What?" Jack said, "Mark, what do you have to say,"

"Uh..." Mark stuttered. Jack's eyes were wide, almost telling Mark what to say.

"Ems, this is the best sleep I've had in weeks, we have to stay here," Jack pleaded

"It's not that, I have been sleeping and eating and everything just seems back to normal, but, I found something," I replied. It hurt to even remember it. Mark came up to me.

"What did you find?" He asked. I didn't say anything else. I walked upstairs and into a infants bedroom. I reached up to the ultrasound pictures that were on top of the dresser.

"I can't stay here," I said handing them to Mark.

"Wait..." Mark said. Jack and Steven entered the room.

"Steven, your mom was pregnant correct?" I asked.

"Ya, she was," He replied.

"And.... The FR just killed her?" I asked

"Y-yes," He replied, "The Reunion tried to help but...." Steven stuttered

"What?" I said,

"The Reunion soldiers sided with the FR before saving them, they told us that our parents needed to go into a testing field, they said they had found the cure and all they needed to do was, bring it here," He said.

"They were bringing me here," I said, "They were going to kill me here,"

"At least you're not pregnant," Jack chimed in trying to make the mood a little bit lighter. Mark came up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"If they kill you, they kill me," He said.

"I can't let that happen," I whimpered.

"Can I come with you?," Steven butted in.

"Steven, I think it's best if you don't..." Mark started

"My family is dead!" He yelled, "I have no one left!"

"Neither do I!" I screamed back, jumping out of Mark's embrace, "I lost my mom, my dad, all of my sisters, I lost my best friend to a bullet, I have been shot, parts of my personality were gone with each, So if you wanna come, expect a hell of a lot of crap from me," Steven stepped back. Tears were streaming down my cheeks now.

"I'll go grab my things," Steven said in a small voice. I breathed out running my hand through my hair. I sat in the rocking chair in the corner.

"I'll go get stocked and find a car," Jack said. I heard his footsteps shift from the room. Mark's came over to me. I looked up and Mark's brown eyes smiled at me. I broke down, pulling him toward me burying my face into his shoulder.

"I'm Sorry," I said in a shaky voice.

"Don't be," Mark said, "I understand why, I go where you go,"

"But we were going to live here and be okay and everytime...." I said

"It's okay," Mark said cutting me off.

"What did you and Steven talk about two days ago?" I said through a raw voice

"The towns surrounding this area," Mark said.

"Can we just leave here and go somewhere else to live?" I asked

"Of course we can," Mark said reassuringly. I nodded. Mark pulled his Jacket around me. I smiled and fell asleep. I woke up in the back of a car. I was leaning on Mark's shoulder. It looked like it was night time. I sat up and stretched.

"Morning Ev," Jack's voice rung in the still air.

"Morning, where are we?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Close to the next town," he said

"Good," I leaned back on Mark's shoulder.

"Oh, shoot," Jack said. I sat up again.

"What is it?" I asked

"It's a checkpoint," Jack said, "They're looking for you,"

"What do I do?" I asked in a panicked voice.

"Just lay down in the back seat and sleep like before. I swung my legs over Mark's and laid my head on his shoulder, pretending to be asleep.

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