Alexander HamiltonXreader (REMADE)

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Okay so I have been busy which Is why this is a month later but school is starting soon and I'm planning on getting an okay writing schedule. Also must I mention I got a computer so I'm a lean mean typing machine.....Ill go home

Warning-Idk Fluff ahhh its so scary and dirty...Its like saying that to unicorn

Rewritten- July 15,2020

"Philip you out shine the brightest sun, my Son" Alex sang to the young boy as his eyelids slowly fell leaving me staring in awe.

We both agreed to share Philip after we ended our relationship.

He was three years old and pretty easy to handle, Yet the ordeal that Daddy cheated on Mommy isn't really set in. It won't for a long time, and that is something I'll hate to explain in the future.

You see, my suspicion of Alexander cheating on me came two months ago. When he came home really late one night after supposedly getting off at 5:30pm. When asked where he had been I was brushed off and told to sleep. I figured he had ran late with work and brushed it off.

Until it started happening every other night. Then it came down to the point were I saw him twice maybe three times a week. Now being a stay at home mom isn't the easiest job, especially since I'm expecting. Yes I am pregnant, which is really unfortunate. Although I'll eventually tell Alexander, I just don't want Alex to think I'll be taking him back because of this, yet it might be a factor.

It's been two weeks since we have broken up and I have allowed him to live with me. I mean I can't put the money maker on the streets....I'm joking, yet I will have to find a job soon and it's not going to be the easiest thing. I'm a 23 year old college drop out with little work experience. So I let him stay, he sleeps on the couch I sleep in my bed, we rarely speak to eachother and when we do it's greetings and goodbyes.

We have both tried to not show Philip his parents are no longer happy together for the sake of him yet a child can usually sense tension. Adding to that Elizabeth Schuyler, the woman Alexander cheated on me with, has been demanding custody to my son. Which I honestly do not believe is even legal, yet she claims she has a case.

To top Alexander off on the dick train he is her lawyer for the case. Yeah it isn't a pretty thing.

I step away from the door and into the living room sighing, life was spiraling down hill and there was no way for me to stop it. I was on a roller coaster with no breaks and it's heading towards a bottomless pit.

"Y/N? Philip is asleep."

"Thank you Alexander, I suppose I will be going to bed as well..." we stood there in silence looking at eachother.

"Y/N Im so sorry..." he says breaking the silence and tears swell back into his eyes. "No you are not, if you were sorry you wouldn't be fighting to take away my soon. If you were sorry you wouldn't have cheated on me. If you were sorry you wouldn't be here."

"Please Y/N I want to make things right. I want us to work." The more words that left his mouth the more pathetic he sounded. He fell to his knees and began to cry. I felt pity for him, 7 long years I've been dating him, I've never been with anyone else, or expected to be with anyone else.

"Alexander...Fine... we can try to make this work. For the sake of Philip, our unborn child, and us." He look at me shocked and I nodded and placed a hand over my stomach. "I've know for a week. Yet, this isn't going to be easy. First you are going to cut all ties with the Schuylers, second you are going to have a tracker on your phone at all times, third we will be starting at just dating, and fourth you will help me to return back to college."

After I stated my demands he stood up and stepped forward. "I understand...I promise I will." His voice was shaky, he sounded almost scared of me. "Alex I hope you know I don't see you as a bad guy. Just you lost my trust and now it might take a long, long, long, time before you earn that back."

"I understand Y/N and I promise I will work hard to make you and our children happy. I swear on my life I love you and our kids." I smiled at him for the first time in what seems like forever.

"I know you will."


I changed the story quiet a bit, I needed it to be more realistic and make more sense. Real relationships don't piece them selves back together quickly, and I definitely didn't realize that until now.

Anyways yeah that's it.


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