KG3 X Seaburry Pt.2

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Yes this is late, yes It has been forever, but I have been super stressed out recently. So cut me some slack!

Warning: Gay, King George III, sex, kinky, daddy, rainbows

After two hours of waiting I got bored and nervous. Why was he coming home so late. George usually would text me why he is late so why is this any different. So I decided to just mess with my self for a bit. Slowly rubbing my hard nipples imagining George doing it.

I lick my thumbs and continue to rub my hard buds while rubbing my thighs together trying to cause friction against my hard on. That was now clearly visible as it stood straight up. I removed one hand from my nipple and slowly trailed down teasing my self as I take off my pants. The same way George does softly palming my self.

"Ah! G...George~" i let he dirty words roll off my tongue and I hear a soft chuckle from the doorway. There was my boyfriend in his boxers. Holding a black bag smirking. "Impatient much?" He asks and I groan and remove my hands from my body and lay them above me. Waiting for George to take over. "Tut tut the slut! Can't wait till I get home? You impatient bitch!" He says lays a hand on my bare chest.

"Color, Love?" He asks and I push my self up. "Blue!" I say and he chuckles connecting our lips. Mine red from biting it while I messed with my self. For colors instead of the usual Green, Yellow, or Red. We use Blue, Orange, Purple. "Now let's see what daddy got ya?!" He reached into his bag of surprises as he straddled me and pulled out a rope. More like ropes, saying he had multiple.

"Hmm you don't need a punishment tonight!" He says and tossed the black ropes to the side pulling out the next object. This made my stomach turn. There was a vibrated the ones that go in your ass. "Perfect! Flip over love!" I do as told with my ass exposed. I felt a finger be inserted into me and I arched my back at the feeling.

As I felt my self get stretched out he removed his long fingers and inserted the toy. Setting it to a medium setting right below my prostate. George flips me over and began to leave hickeys up and down my body. Black, purple, red, and more colored marks painted my body. Then George adjusted the toy onto my prostate and I scream in pleasure.

Moans and curses escaped my lips. George then engulfed my dick, wrapping his warm lips around me and sucking. I squealed in delight and felt my self become overwhelmed with the pressure. "Color?" He asks pulling away and I felt tears begin falling. "O....Orange!" I stutter out and he nods removing the device as my orgasm rose.

Proceeding to flip me over so I'm facing him and he inserts him self in me. I cry out at the feeling and George let's put a moan. "D...Daddy! Fast! Master! Daddy! George! Just fuck me!" I screamed probably letting out neighbors hear.

My orgasm grew closer, "don't cum yet kitten!" The sounds of moans and skin slapping filled the air. "I! I can't!" Then I release everywhere. A couple of thrust later George follower and cuddled up next to me kissing my neck. "I love you..." I say, "love you too hun!"


I looked at my boyfriend wide at, screaming and banging on the other side of the wall. You'd expect there to be a fight or a murder. Although I knew our neighbors they are probably having sex. Which isn't good saying I have my two children and boyfriend with me. Angelica and Phillip laid in between me and Alex sound asleep.

Alex looked extremely uncomfortable trying to focus on his book. "Hey Lex..." I say and he turns to me. "Yes Jacky?" The nickname he knows I love. "It's time to move!" I say and Alex nods frantically. " really is..." I hear a loud screech making my 6 year old and my 2 year olds eyes open. "Great...." me and Alex say at the same time.


Didn't feel like editing soo sorry if there are errors. I'm really tired since for theater it's show week meaning late nights and long days. So yeah love ya! Bai

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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