John X Alexander

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This is really and I mean REALLY fluffy. Like it's softer then a pillow or a cloud.

Warning: there are none, other then two precious cinnamon rolls cuddling!

I watched as the storm cloud above me got darker. I bit my lip and raced around my dorm room looking for my phone. Then I heard the horrid rumble of thunder. A small whimper escapes my lips and I fall onto my bed forgetting about my phone.

"John...." I whisper under my breath and my heart speeds up. I squeeze my eyes shut and I found it harder to breath. My legs became jello and I heard the loud plops of water on my window. I shut my curtains and cry out as another rumble of thunder passes through.

Everything felt unreal, my anxiety sped up from tragic childhood memories. Tears began sweeping Down my face and I found my hands shaking. It seemed like forever until  I heard my bedroom door swing open.

I peaked an eye open to see John wearing a green rain coat. He removes it and sets it on his desk and rushes over to me. "Shhh Alex it's going to be okay..." he pulls me into his arms and begins playing with my hair. "Where were you?" I ask my voice shaky and afraid.

"I got caught up in traffic the rain stopping everyone..." when he said that and I felt my heart skip a beat. I buried my face into his chest as thunder rolled louder. The only noise was John whispering small sweet things, my whimpers ,and the horrible thunder rolls.

"Why is it so loud?" I ask and John chuckles. "I have no clue!" He says and pecks my forehead. My shaking eventually died down and my heart rate slowed down. I felt Johns hand run through my hair as he softly hums. I found my self smiling at the beautiful man. That I was so lucky to be able to call my own.

"How was work?" I asked in a whisper like town. "It was fine, me and Eliza got coffee spilled on us but otherwise it was a good day." He says and I giggle burrowing my face more into his chest. "No wonder you smell so good!" I say and he chuckles and hugs me.

Thunder rolls again and I jump in surprise before calming back down. "Come on Love, lets go take a bath...then we can go watch Total Drama!" He says and picks me up. I cheer out and he chuckled carrying me to our bathroom.


Like I said, ITS SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIEEE!!!! I honest to god love this short sweet chapter! <3

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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