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Started Writing:November 11,2018
Wish To Upload: November 14,2018
Actual Upload:Novemeber 16,2018

Word Count: 1828
Time Era: Modern
Time Set: ThanksGiving
Warning:Swearing, racism, fluff, pregnant reader.

       Readers POV
     I always thought I was lucky. Growing up I was smart as can be. I had a talent of singing, I was a musical genius. Came from a wealthy family. Made top grades all through high school and middle school. Got into Harvard, got a job in New York City. Found an amazing boyfriend.....

All though, that's what goes on, on the outside. That's what I thought, sure I had amazing grades, went to an amazing school, and had a well paid job. But years after I started the job I realized I didn't like what I did. I sat in my desk all day. Helping out clients, I was a therapist. I have seen everything, I thought I got paid super well and got to help out people.

Although....humans are terrifying....I have talked to people who murdered there family's. Burnt down their houses. Having a kid who can't control them selves. I special in the mental department.

My boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson, was the best. He was one of my patients but got better. Although he does take pills. He had depression, so it really affected him. Although after three years of therapy and we started dating.

Two years later we began to discuss marriage and starting a family. Although as the holiday season came up I found out something dark.

It was that time for thanksgiving. Monday, two days away from flying up to Washington to see my family. I found out I was pregnant. Now yes, I am not married, or even engaged. But I was so sure my family would be accepting!

I told Thomas right away, he was so happy he cried. We hugged and freaked out. It was great!

I told my mom about my boyfriend, they have actually met before. Although she seemed a little worried about him coming. Like something might go wrong.

I brushed it off and Wednesday we took our flight to Washington. Arriving safely at 5am! I was so tired and felt drain. Especially since I was experiencing mood swings and threw up twice on the flight.

"Baby are you sure your okay?" Thomas asks. I nodded and smiled weakly at him. As we settle down and get off the plane. We get our bags go through security again and finally stand outside.

In the cold, waiting for my mom. Finally her mini mom soccer van pulls up. She jumps out and runs to me. "Y/N OH MY BABY!" She yells and hugs me tight. "Whoa mom calm down!" I say and she pulls away.

Before grabbing Thomas and squeezing him. "OH THOMAS ITS BEEN TO LONG! How have things been?" She asks. "Actually mom before anything we wanted to tell you something...." I say and she pulls away and gives me a serious look. "Yes?" She says and I look at Thomas. He simply nods and I look at my mom.

"We are gonna be having a baby!" I say and she freezes. Looking from me to Thomas. "OH MY GOD THATS GREAT!" She screams and hugs me. "CONGRATS!" She squeals and I raise and eyebrow. "Your not mad?" I asked and she shakes her head no.

"Oh heavens no! Your 28 your allowed to have babies. Sure it's before marriage but I know Thomas he will stick around!" She says and I giggle and Thomas smiles putting an arm around me as we get into the car.

Filled with questions, "when did you find out?" "Thomas how did you take it?" "Are you excited?" "I'm gonna have to visit more!" She rabbles on and I look at Thomas. "I can see where you get the talkative trait from..." he whispers and I punch his arm slightly.

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