Thomas JeffersonXAlexander Hamilton

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So I don't ship this but I feel bored so...

In the city of New York life can be tough. You might not always be able to accomplish everything you dreamed of. Especially if your Thomas Jefferson. Everything he has worked up towards has crashed and burned.

All thanks to one little gremLIN....Alexander Hamilton....

No surprise there, it was very clear that the two hated each other. Hamilton was a very bitter man ever since his ex lover John Laurens died and his ex wife told Alex that she was lesbian. His soul turned from bright and cheerful to cold and Icy.

His friends Lafayette and Hercules didn't even like hanging out with him. He was such a sourpuss! You couldn't look at the man without him going app shit crazy on your ass. Only one person could control him and that was himself...and George Washington.

Back to Jefferson, since his entire career crashed and burned and the man was not even 30 yet so, he did the second best thing until he could build him self up again. Become a stripper, Once his hair was pulled back and he was giving a pole he became a machine!

Giving clients pleasure, and making there lives a tiny bit better. He was always requested. Tonight it was Alexander's birthday, January 11. The plan was Hercules and Lafayette would get Hamilton drunk and make him have a good time!

So they took him to a gay strip club, saying the we had a pansexual, a bisexual, and a gay on our hands. Already the three men where drunk and tipsy but one dancer caught Alexander's  eye.

He looked so familiar he couldn't put a finger on it. "Holy fuck is that Thomas Jefferson?" Hercules yells out of the blue and Alex's eyes go round. "Holy shit it is" all three men began cracking up. Until so waitress came over and smacked them telling them they where disturbing others.

So they partied, made out, you know gay Things.....(idk I'm not gay...I'm half gay....but I don't know what male gays do! I'm not a male gay.... although if I was a guy I would totally be that gay friend 'HEY SHISTERS QUEEN LIT LIT' holy fuck I'd be as gay as Ryland....)

As Thomas strutted his stuff a specific founding father caught his eyes. Making him freeze in place, thought Alexander was rather short, he could clearly be scene next to the two men making out which was Lafayette and Hercules.

Thomas and Alex made eye contact and Alex as smug as can be raised an eyebrow and smirked. Thomas scoffed and jumped off the stage pushing past the crowd of men grinding against one another.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asked trying to not sound afraid, although Alex could sense that Thomas was fixing to break. "What I can't do what I want on MY birthday?" He asks and and Thomas scoffed.

"Of all the gay strip clubs you had to go here?" He asks and Alex snorted. "I didn't know you swung that way Jefferson..." he said and chuckled under his breath. The noise sent shivers up Thomas's Spin. "JEFFERSON! GET YOUR ASS BACK UP ON STAGE!" Thomas turned pale and looked over at his manager.

Turning back to Alex glaring at him then turning around and walking off. "Alright I'm going home..." Alex huffed and stood grabbing his phone off the bar and exiting the building. It was a peaceful night In New York.

Only a few sirens to be heard and honking. The sky was clear but due to light pollution he couldn't see anything. As he walked he heard muffled yelling from a dark ally way.

Being the curious ass he is, stealthily he checks it out. There as clear as day was two men pinning a person against the wall. Due to the little light Alex couldn't tell who they where.

"Come on Faggot suck my dick!"

(Authors note- I died writing that I just cracked up! I know it's bad but still...)

"No!" A familiar voice yelled and then was muffled. "Hey my friend said suck his dick so SUCK IT!" Alex reached in his pocket and held the pocket knife and keys so they could hurt someone.

(I know it's bad but I can't take this seriously)

"Hey!" Alex tried to sound masculine and, the moment the two heard Alex they dropped the person and scampered off. Why did the cold hearted Alexander do that? Well Alex doesn't like to see people in pain, being kill, raped, shot, just about anything that will cause physical damage.

Sure he may hate some people but he would never hope for their death. Alex used his phone as a flash light and walked up to the person who was know in a fatal position. "Are you okay?" Alex asked and the person eyes widened and he sat up.

"Jefferson?" Alex said now seeing the face of the man he hated. A part of him wanted to yell for those dumbasses to come back but that would be out of his character. He would feel to much guilt.

The pained expression on Thomas face and the bruises on his wrist made Alex soften up. Thomas had a faded mark on his cheek which could be barley seen. "Come on Jefferson..." Alex then hoisted Thomas up and walked with him (practically dragged) him to his apartment.

Once they entered Alexander's apartment he locked the door and turned on the lights setting the frozen in shock Thomas on the couch. Alex walked into the kitchen and started making a cup of tea. Then walks over to Thomas and hands him the cup.

"No tha-"

"Just drink it Jefferson!" Alex says and the man jumps and nodded. This only shook Jefferson up so bad because he had been rapped before. Alexander sat down next to the fluffy haired man and stared at Thomas.

After Thomas drinks a few sips Alex clears his throat and puts his hands on his knees. "So ready to tell me what happened?" He asks and Thomas nodded setting the tea down crossing his legs.

"So I left the club because it was quitting time. I usually take the back alleys home because they are quicker, and I ran into those men....and know what happened next." He says and looks away biting the inside of his cheek forcing tears back.

Alex huffed and sat  a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Thomas asked and Alex chuckled and pulled Thomas into a hug. "I don't like seeing people get hurt..." he says and Thomas's face flushed and his heart began racing.

He never felt this towards another man! Thomas fell in love with Alexander...or maybe he was in love with him before he just couldn't tell.

"But you hate me...." Thomas finally says his voice cracked halfway through making him sound like a pre-pubescent teenage boy. "Yeah well...just because I hate you doesn't mean I don't want to help." Alex says and pushes Thomas away once he realized they where still hugging.

"I'm...uh...gonna go" Alexander was now red in the face and Thomas gave him a smile. Alex Walked into the kitchen and smiled to him self. Maybe just maybe he didn't hate Thomas at all.....maybe he even liked him....and maybe he might even love him....

Part two anyone?

I actually really liked that one, even though it was Jamilton and we all know how I feel bad Jamilton (I HOPE IT DIES IN A FIRE) I really liked writing that one!

                     A Cinnamon Roll

(Also to all thoughts that are wondering I feel a lot better now!)

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