Rain Drop

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Drop top...I'm not sorry...

This sucks...i wrote it in like ten minutes....
Warning:vomiting, kisses, a sick cinnamon roll, another sick cinnamon roll. I want a actual cinnamon roll...

A long day after working with children can tire anyone out. Especially if these children are throwing up, running a fever, hyper, Creepy, and more. Things that a child's doctor has to go through every day.

John always tries his best to help everyone ,but there is always to much children. He always made sure to treat the patient as he would want to be treated. Although everyone has those work days. Where nothing goes right. That was today, a warm July day in South Carolina with a storm in the distance.

During the day he made a child cry on accident. Got yelled at by a mom, accidentally made a huge mess. Dropped a urine sample (that's fun to clean up...) Got thrown up on and adding to that his boyfriend Alexander Hamilton. Kept messaging him.

You see growing up Alex had a huge fear of storms. Especially saying where he is from and the traumatic experiences he had. Finally around three pm his last patient for the day came in. It was a woman and her son,

"Hello...Mrs.Schuyler what seems to be the problem today?" John asks entering the assigned room. The woman had bags under her eyes and wore a frown on her face. The little boy looked miserable, his hair was literally standing up. He has what John could only guess was spit up on his shirt, bags under his eyes ,and more.

"Well, last night Philip woke me up with a nightmare so I let him sleep with me. Then in the morning we where both feeling pretty bad, and I decided to not go into work and keep Philip home. Then in the past hour Philip has thrown up at least five times. He can't keep anything down and I haven't been able to eat anything without getting sick my self." She explains and John furrowed his eyebrows.

It was a full hour and a half later when finally John was able to get them both a prescription, Run there blood test, and try to get Philip some fluid. "Thank you so much Dr.Laurens" she says as she leaves the building and John politely smile and wave. After saying good bye to the nurse and the front desk lady. Finally John pulled into the drive way.

Rain now lightly rushed down the cars front window. John locked the car in the garage and enter the small house. "Lex I'm back!" He yelled but got no response. Not thinking anything of it and unaware that his boyfriend was upstairs having a panic attack, John went into the kitchen and started warming up ramen.

It was about three minutes later John finally realized. When thunder rolled John froze and tensed up. Then dropping everything and rushing upstairs. Out of breath and tired John went into Alexander's office. There was the small petite man tears falling down his face.

Alexander didn't notice anything, he was in his own little world. Filled with fright and death. John got down on the floor and pulled Alexander into his lap. "I'm sorry babe I had a long day at work and....I've just been all over the place." John whispers into Alexander's ear.

The man turned to his boyfriend and burrowed his face into the freckled boys chest. "I thought you died..." Alex mumbled and John chuckled. "Lexi you can't get rid of me I'm permanent!" Alex has a small smile on his face and he leans up pecking his boyfriends lips.

"Love you Jacky..."

"Love you too Lexi...."


Not my best of ones but short and to the point! Anyways life has been chill, theaters a bitch but it's fun. Homework can go suck my imaginary dick and people.. I LOVE YOU ALL!

                   A Cinnamon Roll

Trying to get 666 words...

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