Alexander X reader

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Someone please request a story I'm running out of ideas.....and I'm tired of writing Xreaders because they sound repetitive sooooo please give me ideas...thanks...on with thy story...


My maid tightens my corsets around me making me gasp for air. I slip on my dress and look over at the tall powdered wig. "Ms. Washington Will you be wearing the grand wig of the evening." (I'm sorry I can just imagine them at like a fancy ball then going 'GASP SHE SNATCHED MY POWDERED WEAVE!')

I shake my head no and let my h/l hair stay down. (Hair length.) I ruffle it up to look cute and slip on my white flats. I walk down stairs and notice the unpleasant look from my father. "Darling you should be looking your most formal...." my father says and I examine my plane l/c (light color) gown.

"I like it father..." I say and he gives me a dirty look before shaking it off and taking my mother arm. "Oh hush George she's looks magnificent! Our daughter will be the pride of the Winter Ball!" My mother praises and I smile practically glowing.

"Martha, isn't this the Schuyler's sisters ball? I'm almost positive they will look more...proper" I glare at my father. "Oh don't give me that look Y/N you know it's true" I let out a small growl and follow my parents to the carriage. I step in with the help of a servant and sat across my parents.

"So my right hand man Colonel Alexander Hamilton will be at the ball tonight?" My head perked up at my fathers voice. "I bet one of the Schuyler's will snatch him up! He is flirty and out there..." My father says and I roll my eyes and smile softly to my self. I have sent letters to Colonel Hamilton before.

He admires how I work for the press even as a woman. Although I disguise my self as a man for the most part. We exit the carriage and I follow my parents closely. The entire room was filled with white wigs making me feel extremely self conscious. A group of five men where in the corner when my father approached him.

"Hamilton, Lafayette, Mulligan, Laurens, and...Burr..." my father says and all the men looked up in surprise. "Gentlemen this is my wife and daughter Martha and Y/N Washington." My father introduce us and I followed my mother's actions in curtsying.

"Bonjour Madam..." who Im guessing Lafayette says and I smile at him while he takes my hand and kisses it. After five seconds of not getting a response I felt awkward. 'I'm Mute' I say and only Hamilton understood. "She's Mute!" Alexander says and I grin and nod.

"Ah that makes sense" one Freckly man says and I felt my face heat up. Suddenly three young women rush up. Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy Schuyler. The music began playing and I watched as Eliza talked with Alexander. My stomach turned and I felt sick. I watch John frown and walk off with Lafayette at his side Hercules not far behind. I awkwardly stand aside the three young women.

All looking more magnificent then the other in different ways. Peggy had more body and Angelica had more face but Eliza had a mixture of both. Angelica soon dragged Peggy off and I watch as Alexander's eyes flicker over to me standing uncomfortably in the corner. "Miss. Washington May I have this dance" he asks and I nodded and we began dancing.

It was a little strange saying everyone was looking at this peasant looking girl dancing with the Generals right hand man. "So how long have you been mute for?" He asks and I think for a second. 'Since I was ten' I mouth out and he nods. "That must be difficult. Why didn't you tell me over our letters?" He asks and I simply shrugged and glance over at the others dancing.

"You seem uncomfortable. Want to go out side for fresh air?" He asks and I nodded. Together we go outside and I look up at the stars. Gosh they where gorgeous. "Your prettier though..." Alex says and my face turns red as the as so read my thoughts.

"What About Elizabeth Schuyler" I sign out with my hands. "She's no my taste..." he leans closer to me and I felt my face flush. "And I am?!?!" I question and he nods and I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Your not embarrassed to be seen by someone that doesn't look proper?" I question and he shakes his head no. "We are in a new Country Y/N I believe you can be who you want!" He says and I saw his eyes flicker to my lips. I take the sign and began to lean in.

As our lips make contact I felt my heart explode. I pulled him closer and suddenly I hear a gasp behind me. We see all three of the Schuyler sisters and my parents all eyes wide. I look at Alex and he just simply smiled at me. "Shit" I mouth and he chuckles kissing my cheek before standing and walking over to my parents.

"Colonel Hamilton what are you up to with my daughter?" My father asks and I approach the small crowed. "Me and Y/N have been writing letters for a while now and I believe she has captured my heart! It would be my pleasure to Court her...." Alexander says and takes hold of my hand. My father looks over at me and I smile and nod.

"Take care of her Hamilton...because if you don't I will take care of you...." my father says and I watch as Alexander's face lit up and he turned to hug me. Over his shoulder I saw Eliza and Angelica both look rather disappointed. Peggy was giving me a thumbs up and winking.

"Well My Love we better get back to the party...." Alex says after a couple of minutes and I nod. The rest of the night spent together having the time of our lives.


I sat up and walked down stairs. As I began cooking breakfast I felt two arms wrap around me. "Good morning Love" I hear my husbands voice say. "Good Morning darling...." I say and my eyes widened and I dropped my plate. "Y/N THIS IS GREAT!" Alex yells and picks me up twirling me around.

I giggle and let out a small scream, "Alex put me down love!" I say and he pulls me into a kiss. "God your voice is gorgeous!" He says and I giggle. "Well I can finally tell you what I have been wanting to tell you...." I say and he raised an eyebrow and pulls me close.

"Your going to be a father...." I say and his eyes widened and I saw them water. He picks me up and twirls me once again. "How long have you know?" He asks and I kiss his cheek.

"About a month or so..." I say and he smiles and kisses me once agin setting a hand on my stomach.


So yeah....that was fun to write...yay...someone please give me ideas....I'll give you a cookie...

              A Cinnamon Roll

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