Philip Hamilton X Reader

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So nobody requested it I just thought of this...

Warnings: shit went down, anxiety attacks, mentions of sex, and more

Readers POV

I sit up my head pounding, body still sweaty, butt naked. I looked down at the silk sheets under me and felt my stomach turn. These where not my sheets. I wasn't in my bed. God DAMNIT THEODOSIA!

Theo had a party and I probably hooked up with someone. I look to my side to see a sleeping Philip fucking Hamilton. God I hated the man, he was my enemy. Captain of the football team kind of jock. Totally rich, I was probably in his bed.

He was as well butt naked, my face paled at the sudden thought of having sex with the captain of the football team. I'm only 17, I can't be going around having sex. I'm suppose to be the good girl teachers pet.

I slip my underwear on and clip my bra back. Before putting my clothes on and my hair into a pony tail. Left a quick note and escaped. I was lucky to not run into any parents or anyone at all. His house was silent completely....

I rush home and am immediately tackled by questions from my father and mother. Thomas Jefferson and Martha Jefferson. As well as her sister who stayed with us Sally Hemings. Where was I and why I didn't call.

I explained I left my phone here and slept over at Frances Laurens house. All but Sally agreed but let me go. I knew Sally had a thing with my father. I kept her secret because she kept mine.

One Month Later

Things went back to usual, except for Philip giving me awkward looks. My mother began to get sick although which hurt greatly. I believe I was getting sick as well. Migraines, my Breast began to become really sensitive, light spotting bleeding and I missed my period, adding to that morning sickness.

It only occurred to me that I might be pregnant when Sally came to my aid earlier that morning. I was throwing up and she held my hair back. Asking if I had sex recently. I told her it was an accident and cried as she held me. Sally was more of a mom then my own.

So it was time, Theo was with me she held my hand as we walked into the Walgreens. "It will be okay..." she whispered to me. I grabbed two pregnancy test. Just to make sure, I bought the cheapest one and a average amount.

The cashier gave me and Theo a look of pity. Which made Theo give her famous Burr death Glare. We began walking home and the minute I got home Sally was waiting. "Did you buy them?" She asked her voice in a whisper. I nodded and she pointed to the living room where my mom sat. Looking out the window a saddened look on her skinny face.

She was so weak and sick, the doctors said just to let time take it's corse. We all rushed upstairs and the two girls pushed me into a bathroom. "Good luck!" They say in sync and I chuckle. "I'll need it" I whisper back and pull out the two test.

I made sure to drink a whole thing of water on our walk here. So I had to use the bathroom really bad. I pulled out the average amount one and had to read the instructions. It was simple just pee on the stick.

Why did it seem like the most hardest thing to do. I sat on the toilet got my self comfortable and finished. I wiped my hands off and stood up. Setting the test down I looked at the box. In five minutes your results will be in~

I sat a timer on my phone and just sat there. Thinking of the possible out comes. The phone rang in no time. I shakily pick up the pink stick and felt my heart rush. Two red lines where on the results.

I check what it meant,

Two red lines means Pregnant
One blue lines mean not pregnant

I felt my breath become shaky as I dropped the stick in shock. I unlock the bathroom doors and the girls didn't even have to look at it. My reaction explained everything. I felt tears begin to fall and the two hugged me tight. "There is always a chance it could be wrong, Sally go pick up some more!" Theo ordered and she nodded before rushing off.

"Don't worry it will be okay" Theo whispered in my ear as i sobbed. My body shaking,

Fifteen test later, it was now late in the day and every test said positive. The tears couldn't fall anymore. I was just in shock, so much shock. "Come on Y/N you have to go tell him." Theo says and I shakily nod before jumping off the counter and grabbing my backpack.

I fill it up with the pregnancy test and kissed Sally's cheek with her wishing me luck. Me and Theo walked to the Hamilton's and Theo kissed my cheek wishing me luck and began her walk to her house. I take a shaky breath, I didn't want to delay this.

If I am pregnant I need to tell Philip as soon as possible. I can't hide tho and be known as the school slut. I approached the door and gave it two soft knocks. I heard stuff falling and a women opens the door.

Her dark hair was a mess, pale cheeks flushed, and a child on her hip. The kid couldn't be older then two. I smile thinking how that's probably gonna be me someday. "Um is Philip home?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Oh yes Pip is here, one minute. PHILIP HAMILTON THERE IS A NICE GIRL HERE TO SEE YOU!" She yelled at the top of her lungs making me flinch. I hear giggles from the doorway to my left and see three little kids, two girls and a boy.

"Ugh Angelica, Eliza, And William will you two please go play!" The woman says and the turns to smile at me. "He will be down soon!" I nod and mutter thank you. I observe the large house, a chandelier hung above.

I hear footsteps and I turn to see Philip Hamilton. "Oh it's you..." he says and I awkwardly look aside. "Can we go speak in your room?" I ask and he nods as we trot up the stairs in silence.

We enter his familiar bedroom and I am hit with the same sent. "So uh...about a month ago...." I start and he pales and looks at me. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hook up with you it's just I was drunk and I couldn't think straight" he quickly apologized. A part of me was hurt.

"I uh...just's just....err..." I couldn't process how to speak. Philip clearly was irritated by this. "Spit it out!" He says and I take a deep breath. I remove the backpack from my shoulders and hand it to him. "Here...just um....yeah...." I look away as he opens the bag.

I glance to see his reaction, I notice him look so surprised. Then he looks from it to me and back and forth. "Oh Y/N...." he seemed sincere enough. Right?

"I'm so sorry..." he starts and I bit my lip. "It's not your fault it's also mine..." I say and he steps closer to me and steps the bag down. "Technically it's mine to saying your bearing our child" he said our. He said OUR does that mean he is staying with me?!?!

I look up eyes wide with shock and he smiles slightly at me. "Okay Truth is Im in love with you!" He quickly blurts our and my heart stops. The jock of the school is in love with me. This was like some typical cliche love story. Except I'm pregnant, I don't say anything I just hug him.

"I love you too!" I cry out and he hugs me back. "I swear as long as we work together we will work through this!" He says and pulls me up to kiss him.

This went better then expected!


Part 2? Anyone? Yeah this had taken me forever and I'm so freaking tired do no editing tonight ladies, gents, non Binary peps! Anyways by meh lovelies!

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