Why I dont update anymore

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Hey what's up guys, how are you...awesome! So let's talk, this book has hit...46k reads, wow that's a lot. So yeah I figured that since I was at 40k I should start updating again. And I did, but I realized something.

I'm not really into Hamilton fan fiction anymore. I've said it many times, and each time I've fallen back. But I have gotten onto other things, same with my 8-BitRyan and Sander Sides fan fiction.

I just got bored with them, it was fun to write these one shots and have had many people read and enjoy my content. Yet I have moved on, recently I have found a passion.

Animators and drawing, now I am still a fetus artist, not even doing a year of art to a point that I like. I'm pretty comfortable with my art style now a days and a art book is on the way.

Although I do wish to make a new one-shot book. So that's why I'm making a Animators one-shot book!

If people like TheOdd1sout and Jaiden Animation interest you check it out.

I might occasionally write these but I'm going to go ahead and publish the ones I started.

I'm really sorry that I won't be finishing them but I have just haven't been updating. Stay tuned for what else I will be putting out onto my account and how I will be changing.

A lot of you have grown with me as a person and you guys gave me amazing advice when I needed it.

Thank you so much for reading this One-Shot book and this is the end....for real this time...


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