Thomas JeffersonX John Laurens

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Yes I am that one bitch that makes new ships! Yas I rhyme like a queeen! So I don't really know how male sex works. So this may be shitty. Gay porn watchers please inform me. Anyways lez go

Warning: Gay, Sex, Damnit Jefferson, Mentions of Y/N Chan, Drinking, cussing,....*shivers* Daddy Kink...we know Jefferson would be into that Daddy kink shit!

Johns POV

Being a broken hearted, single, twenty five year old can be tonight. My boyfriend of five years decided to cheat on me. So I dumped his ass and kicked him out. Since then I have only left my house for food and Work.

Today was different although everything seemed brighter. Like I have moved on with my life. I walk into my office with a smile on my face and my sister rushed up to me. "JOHN YOUR SMILING AGAIN" she squealed and jumped into my arms. "Y/N it's not that big of a deal...." I say and she giggles.

"Yes it is! I hate seeing my own brother all depressed over and asshole!" She says and I raise an eyebrow. "Don't you have like a major crush on him?" I asked and her face flushed. I knew my sisters feelings about Alexander. And I respected that she might have a chance with him.

Just as long as he doesn't break her like he broke me. I went through a tough time when he dumped me. I felt useless...helpless....a complete waste of space. "No I don't!" She says and I chuckle and kissed her forehead. "Whatever helps you sleep at night sis..." I say before walking off.

Deep in thought, I felt, Wait I knew this day was going to be great! The sun was shining I felt alive and! Oh shit there Alexander......

The Caribbean man was running down the hall way and pushed past me. "Excuse me Laurens...." he says and I watch as he continues running. Suddenly I see my sister sprinting full speed towards me. "What happened? What's going on?" I asked in a panic and she stopped out of breath.

"Mother...mother fucker stole my coffee! I'm gonna go....go kick his ass!" She says before running off again. I raise an eyebrow and shrug it off before continuing to my office. I work until four so the minute 3:59 struck I closed down and left the office by 4:05.

"JOHN! John wait!" I hear behind me and I swing around face to face with Thomas Jefferson. "Yes Mr.Jefferson?" I ask and he out of breath holds up a finger telling me to wait. "I Uh was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie?" He asks and my face flushed.

"As a date?" I ask and bite the inside of my cheek. His face flushed and he looked away nervously. "Sure...." he said in almost a whisper like tone. I led him to my car and he parked next to mine. "You follow..." he says and I simply nod before getting into my black car and starting it.

We make our way to his apartment, it was a really pretty place. Leaves going up the side and a nice front door. He led me inside and showed me the couch. I sat on it and he walked off. I examined the room, pictures of his family on a book shelf. A hella nice Flat screen tv.

One thing caught my eye though, the cat toys littered everywhere. I didn't know Thomas was a cat person. Suddenly I felt something touch my leg. I yelp in surprise and look down to see the gray and white furry feline rubbing against my leg. "Well aren't you precious!" I cry out and pick up the purring cat.

I cuddled it and messed with it's ears. "Oh I see you found Mac" He says and I giggle holding the cat closer. "He's precious!" I say and Thomas chuckled and set a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. We are popcorn for a while when a sex scene started on the movie we where watching.

I bit my lip trying to not get a boner and I glance at Thomas. His face was red in the dim light and he had his hands covering up his area. I smirked and slowly scooted closer to him until our legs where touching. The mans moans in the movie got louder and so did the woman's. Eventually I noticed Thomas's eyes glued to the screen.

So I had taken this as my chance, I moved my lap into his and pressed down on his area. "John...." he said in almost a whisper. I smirk and look back at him our eyes meeting. "What are you doing?" He asks and I chuckle and began kissing his neck. Now I havent had sex since me and Alex broke up almost six months ago.

So I was quiet horny, "nothing~" I say my voice obviously laced with lust. I bit and sucked on his neck until I notice purplish marks start to appear. I then moved my body to face him and started kissing up and down his neck more easily. The moment I pulled away Jefferson used a hand and pulled me into a kiss.

Our lips pressed against one another and his tongue glides across my bottom lip. I happily part my lips and he takes full advantage as our tongues fight. I used one hand to pull him closer. Our clothes croches brushed against one another and we both groan in pleasure.

"Daddy Thomas Please~" I say in a whisper into his ear. His face turned red and he picks me up and carried me to his bedroom. I felt my back hit the soft bed and he instantly started biting and sucking up and down my neck. He reached down to my shirt and pulled it over my head. Leaving me in my socks, pants,and boxers.

"Daddy Take your shirt off!" I whine and he chuckles. "Okay Turtle boy calm down...." he says and removed his shirt. My eyes widened at the abs Thomas has. The perfect body. While I'm stuck with my ugly rib cage lookin body.

I used a finger to trace down his chest reaching his v-line and stopping at his pants. He lets out a groan and removed his socks before standing. "Strip Kitten!" He says. (I don't get the point of that nickname....)

I do as told getting down to nothing, I blush and look away. In a flash Thomas is on top of me using his fingers around my thighs and v-like. "Daddy Please dont tease!" I cry out and he chuckles kissing me again. A high moan escapes my lips when he uses his hand to start jerking me off.

(Why did Jeremy pop into my head during this....) I felt my back arch as I get closer. Suddenly my phone rings, I grab it an answer it. Expecting Thomas to stop but no it only got worst. He then bends down and starts licking up and down.


Y-Hey Johnny!
J-He...hey Y/N
Y-You okay John? You sound off...

I felt my self grow closer and I bite the inside of my check and fighting the urge to moan.

J-Im fine Y/N why did you call?
Y-okay....oh yeah me and Laffy are going to the movies to see the new Horror movie the nun. Wanna go?

I look down at Thomas and he glares at me. I smirk and roll my eyes.

J-Sure what time?
Y-Whenever you get done fucking Thomas. Also he can go too since I'm bringing Alexander.
J-How do you-
Y-Honey I lived with you for 22 years of my life. Now go have fun and don't answer my calls when your having sex!

I hang up and let out a loud moan. "She always knows doesn't she?" Thomas asks removing his mouth from me. I nodded and my legs began to shake. He licks he head of my Man thing and I explode.


I'm kidding! God you should have seen the look on your face!
I release shutting my eyes tightly shut! "Daddy!" I yell and he chuckles flipping me over. "Okay Kitten do you need me to pre-pare?" He asks and I shake my head no. "Just fucking go!" I say and he smirks entering me.

I arche my back at the feeling of a different dick inside me. Thomas was larger then Alexander and was a lot more rough. Alex was a tender and sweet man. Now I'm thinking of my ex-boyfriend during sex. Great!

"Daddy faster!" I say moans escaping my lips. "Shit Kitten I'm almost there...." Thomas says and hits my nerve bundle and I scream. "Daddy! Right there fuck me There!" I yell. I finally feel Thomas release with me coming quickly after wards.

I push my self up and chuckled. "That was fun Kitten~" Thomas says and buries his head into my neck. "I suppose that was! How about I cancel the movies?" I say and Thomas chuckled pulling me into his chest. Where I quickly fell asleep......

So how was it? Horrible? I know. Also something weird happened today. Well actually a lot of weird things happened.... oh well anyways leave suggestions and don't forget to where your seat belt!

A Cinnamon Roll

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