Alexander X John

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LAMS!! Whooo lets go baby

John POV

I was not really the type of person to try blind dating. Although I was a 23 year old man with a two year old. Single, alone, gay....

The day Elizabeth Schuyler came up to me and told me she set me up on a blind date changed my life forever. So I freaked out a bit but, after reality set in I calmed down and found out when and where.

That's when it all changed....i was a 23 year old man with a two year old son a boyfriend, full of love, and still Gay. I walked into the Italian food restaurant butterflies in my stomach.

Although it all went away when I saw the adorable stranger at his table. I looked over at the woman I was suppose to meet. I told Eliza to not give her my picture because I wanted my looks to be a surprise. Although as I look over at the man he checks his phone again, then again. Finally I got the nerves up to ditch my date and go meet this man.

I sat down across from him and he looked up in shock. "Uh hi?" He says and glance away. "Did you get stood up?" I ask and he looks away frowning. "My boyfriend was suppose to be here. Recently we have not been doing to well so I decided to take him out to dinner and try and fix things. You?" He asks and I glance at the woman in red.

"Yeah I was suppose to meet a guy but he ditched me. So now I'm here with you." I lie and the man across from me chuckles. "Alexander, Alexander Hamilton." He says and I shake his hand. "John Laurens." I respond and that's how it all started.

We sat and ate for about three hours talking about everything. Then after getting our check me and the Alexander walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. "You deserve better Alex..." I say and he blushes and looks at me.

"Your better..." he says and I chuckle and kiss his cheek. He was only like an inch shorter then I. Suddenly a frizzy haired male runs up to us. "Alex! Babe! I'm sorry!" I notice the fresh hickeys on his neck. Alexander quickly noticed this and he squeezed my hand.

"Sorry doesn't cut it asshole! Sorry Jeffershit but you can go suck a dick!" Alex says and I smile and glance over at the precious writer. "But the only dick I wanna suck is yours....." the fluffy haired man whined. I struggled to not laugh and Alex raised an eyebrow clearly unamused or phased.

"Goodbye Thomas..." he then pulls me away down the side walk. I glance back to see Thomas glaring at us. Pure hatred filled his eyes. "He will get over it..." Alex says noticing my concern. I chuckle and kiss Alexander's cheek again....

We went on dates every other day, probably sending over a thousand text messages a day. My son, Philip, also had taken a liking to Alexander. The two bonded quiet a bit.

Although once Eliza learned I ditched my date for a man. She was pissed! Eliza does this thing where she won't show she's mad you can just feel it off her. It's scary...she's the perfect mom like figure to me. So when she's disappointed in me It hurts.

"Maria was deviated. She was so sad afterwards, how could you turn down the great of a woman. She's pretty and funny and sweet-" I cut Eliza off smirking. "Maybe you too should go out~" I say and her face turns red and she punches my arm.

I chuckle and she softly smiles at me her face still red as a apple.

Now I'm a 27 year old man with a 6 year old, married, forever happy, and more gay then ever.


So how was it? Good?

                    A Cinnamon Roll (that was the 666 word....)

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