AlexanderXReader (short filler)

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Started Writing:December 12,2018
Actual Upload:December 12,2018

Time Era:Early 1800
Time Set:Summer
Warning:Angst, And Fluff

                  Readers POV
The whispers where loud, yet I don't blame them. The Hamilton's are known all around. Alexander with his affair...losing his job...then his son...our son....

People would tell me, "Why don't you divorce him?" "He walks alone..." at the market, church, running errands...

Then I started walking by his side. We'd take daily walks just the two of us...

"Look at where we are....look at where we started..." he would say and try to get me to talk. I couldn't...the shame upon him was to strong. Yet I couldn't deny that I loved him...and I always will love him.

I watched the sun go down, it's been a year since Phillip died. My first precious precious son. I loved him more then words could describe. I still felt him with me too this day.

Always made an extra plate...Angie would always tell me to stop wasting food...

"Momma Phillip isn't coming back stop..." Id cut her off. "Enough Angelica!" Shes go quiet. Always did have my attitude.

The sun finally sets and me and Alexander stand in the park. Him talking away, I take a deep breath and grab his hand.

He freezes and I felt tears rise. "It's quiet uptown..." I whispered tears falling. I look at Alexander and he was crying. "Y/N I know I don't deserve another chance. If I could I'd trade his life for mine..." I said nothing I just shook my head and placed my lips upon his.

For the first time in what seemed like years him and I shared a genuine smile. "Ever do it again and I will kill you myself..." I whisper and lay my head into his chest. "Y/N I will be satisfied because as long as I have my Y/N in my life!" I chuckle and peck his lips.

"Then you shall always Be Satisfied for now on..." he smiled and picked me up by my waste and twirled me around. I giggle and we share a kiss.

Alex stops sleeping in his office...

Eventually the whispers stop...





Yay good ending this is short because I'm working on three major chapters right now!

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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