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Quick New Years One Shot...

              John's PoV
Again I was lonely on New Years. So I did what any normal 24 year old single gay male would do. I went to a club. By 11:50 I started talking to this man. He was incredibly Handsome and god just everything.

Alexander Hamilton, 25 year old man that's so tough he could eat nails. Already this boy had grown onto me. We talked about life, our career, and the sadness of being lonely.


I glance over at Alexander knowing how awkward things might get.


When they get to one everyone will find their friend or significant other and kiss.


Leaving me and Lex to be complete losers.


Yes I wanted to kiss him but I couldn't work up enough courage to ask.


I was staring at the adorable man as he counted down. Cheerfully his eyes watching the screen.


My palms got sweat and I felt nerves sweep over. Everything felt numb.


I watched as Couples looked at each other grinning as they shouted the numbers.


Where was three god...


It was a blur Alex grabbed my waste and kissed me. I was in shock I froze for a few seconds before I felt my self melt into the kiss.

We pulled apart,


Everyone yells around us.

My eyes where glued onto him. My god was this man pretty. I couldn't form words that kiss felt so right. So I did what I thought would be best.

I kissed him again, with more passion of course. Saying this was the first time I've kissed someone since my ex. Three years ago...

God did it feel good to have someone against me. "Let's go back to my place..."Alexander whispered and I nodded.

Grinning and giggling like two drunk school girls. We rushed to his apartment. Where we sat and watch Netflix while drinking alcohol. Occasional we threw kisses but I knew my next New Years I wouldn't be lonely....

Word Count: 342

Short quick one shot, I have more chapters on the way this was just a quick one.

                   A Cinnamon Roll

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