Damnit Jefferson

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It's fluffy as hellll

I walked into my office building, bags under my eyes, My child at my hip, she wouldn't stop crying. Until three in the morning. Me and James got no sleep, the baby sitter ditched. So now I had to bring my two year old to work. She finally passed out to the point where nothing can wake her.

That's what I thought. I walked into the business room with all eyes on me. "Nice kid Madison." Hamilton says and i glare at him. "Mrs.Madison This is highly inappropriate I'm going-" i glare at Washington with a look that could kill. He quickly shuts up and I sit down next to James.

"She was up till three in the morning because someone won't sleep!" James says putting his head in his hands. "Poor thing, I remember when we first got Philip. He was so clingy if I let him sleep alone he would scream and cry." John says looking at his husband with a saddened look on his face.

Alexander just chuckled and pecked his husbands cheek. I swear I have never been more surrounded by the Gay! The meeting was going well until my fucking brother came in.

"SORRY IM LATE MR.WASHINGTON!" Thomas runs in slamming the door yelling. My daughters eyes shoot open and she begins whaling. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT THOMAS!" I yelled and handed James my daughter. I go over and poke Thomas in the chest. "Try to be a little bit louder can ya dipshit!" I say and his eyes widened.

"Whoa you look rough...." he says. "OF COURSE I LOOK ROUGH I HAVENT SLEPT IN DAYS! I blame James!" I say and James looks over at me. "What did I do?" He asks. "You helped make the child!" Me and Thomas say at the same time. "Ew there physic twin powers are showing!" Alexander says.

"Mr. And Mrs. Madison please take your child out of the office and have the rest of the day off. Thomas learn to be more quiet!" George says and I smile a little bit. "Thank your Mr.Washington..." I say and pick up my still crying daughter. Me and James exit the building and drive home.

James was obviously still mad at me. I blamed him for the reason of our daughter. I don't blame him....

I take off my heels and start stripping to my underwear and tank Top. I set my daughter on the bed and crawl next to her. James quickly follows with me and we all lie in the bed together. The crying now stops and all I get is soft snores.

"Thank the lord..." James whispers and I chuckle looking up at him. Only to see he was staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I ask in a teasing tone. "Only the two most beautiful girls in the world!" He says and I smile leaning over and kissing him.

"Now get some sleep love you deserve it!" James says and puts a arm over the two of us. "I love you..." he whispers. "Love you too..."

Then my phone starts ringing and my daughter wakes up crying. I look over and see who it is, "DAMNIT JEFFERSON"

So this was fluffy, I need just small amount of happiness! I love being happy! Anyways this was short and I will probably release a longer one soon...

A Cinnamon Roll

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