Short Scenes

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Sorry I have been really busy so here's a short scenario chapt! Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN MUWAHAHAHHAHAAHAH!!!

Yes I know it's only October First....but every day in October is Halloween for meh!

Sooo lez go

Alexander Hamilton
I have always been the musical nerd, and so has my boyfriend. So when we where invited to Hercules Yearly Halloween party, you can guess we where pretty excited. I sat in the a bathroom finishing up my outfit.

I was going to be Veronica Swayer from Heathers. The Schuyler sisters are the three Heathers and Alexander is Jason Dean. Or J.D which fits saying Alex is my boyfriend. I stepped out of the bathroom and grab my club thing (someone tell meh what they are called) and posed like they did on the posters.

I enter the living room to see Alex with his hair in a bun up on his head and was wearing J.Ds costume. To be honest he was really hot. Especially with his hair up. "You look good!" I say and he jumps turning to me. "I could say the name to you!" He says and I chuckle

"I Uh...didn't catch your name!" I say remembering when Veronica and J.D first officially met in the musical. "I didn't throw it...." Alex smirked and pulled me close locking our lips. The party was amazing and as me and Alex got home I pushed him against the couch and straddled him. "Take this dead girl walking~" I whisper into his ear and he smirks.

Our love truly is God!

John Laurens
"Why do I have to be April?" John whined and I looked at him. "Because every expects me to be April! So I'm going to be Donatello!" I turn around in my teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume. "This yellow shirt is a no for me..."

"I'm sorry but you could not be the original April. You have no boobs!" I say and he rolls his eyes and pecks my cheek. I giggle and pull him close, "Ew you guys!" We turn to the rest of the Hamilsquad in their TMNT costumes. "YAS QUEENS!" I squeal and Alex (Leonardo) chuckled. "It's time to paaaaaarrttayyyyyyyy"

Hercules Mulligan
I stared in the mirror and traced my finger along the hem of my shorts. I was dressed as Mario. Mustache and all, while Hercules was Luigi. Together we where Mario Bros!

I put my h/l (hair length) into a braid/poney tail/bun/or nothing and made sure my hat was on correctly. Before exiting the bathroom to see my best friend. "HERC!" I cheered and he turned around as I jumped into his arms. "Sup Y/N" he says and runs a hand through my shiny h/c hair and I giggle.

My lips hit his check and he blushed before taking a drink of water. "Anyways it's time to PAR-AR-ARTY" I squeal and turn on my Halloween music. After hours of drinking someone grabbed a hold of my waist. I turn to be face to face with a Drunk Hercules.

"I love the way you Dance...." he whispers into my ear. Breath strong of alcohol. "Come on teddy bear it's time for you to go to bed...." I say and take his hand leading him to the bedroom. As I let him lay down he grabs ahold of my arm and pulls me back.

"I really like you Y/N" he says his voice deeper then usual and I felt heat begin to rise. Before I knew it my lips where on his and It was to late....

Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette
A smirk placed it self on my face and I tighten my pigtails. Before running into the living room. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I say heightening my voice and my boyfriend twirls around looking at me. "Merde...." he mutters and I giggle and kiss him.

"You look....amazing mon cherie!" He says and places his hands onto my lips. "How about we ditch the party and just stay here..." he whispers into my ear and I shake my head no. "Come on Chat we just save Paris!" I say and run out the front door. I hear loud laughing behind me as I rush to the car....

Short filler chapter! Fixing to spook out my Wattpad! Yay

                   A Skullamon Roll

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