PhilipXMale!Reader Smut

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Okay so I am writing this and I don't know how long it will take. Also this will be modern. Because the gay wasn't allowed back then!

Btw: i don't know who this was suggested by....well don't remember sorry person! I still love you!!!!

Warning: Sex, Cursing, Alcohol, Fluff, Dom and Sub, Gay, and more.

Readers POV

I entered the building, music pounding into my ears. As I make my way through the group of people and to the back. I enter the Employee area and got dressed quickly. My skimpy booty shorts and tight white t-shirt, and flip flops. The dress code wasn't the most fashionable but it was suppose to be scandalous.

I get to work, serving many people. In two different ways {;)} by eight pm I was just hitting my high. I snuck a few shots in and quickly took a smoke break when someone catches my eye. My heart raced and I knew I had to impress matter what.

Philips PoV

Frances Laurens, John Madison, and Theodosia Burr chose to take me out for my birthday. I was officially 21 meaning I could drink. While yes I was the youngest of the group and I have had a few sips of alcohol before.


I was pumped up and ready to have some fun. We arrived at the club and sat down. Compared to my friends I dressed super....whats the word......oh yeah trashy!

Theo was wearing a pink dress that reached her thighs, John wore a nice polo shirt and pants, Frances wore a Yellow Jumper, then I, i wore a Rainbow beanie, black band t-shirt and skinny jeans. As my friends say, I am The definition of gay.

"Philip do you remember when you came out to us?" John asked and the two females giggled. "Oh god..." I say and put my hands in my head. "I wanna know!" Frances says before giggling like a school girl.

"Okay so, It was freshman year of college and Theo and Pip where dating. It all started with Theo, she wanted to get down with him, but as soon as she took his shirt off he yelled-...."

"IM GAY!" I cut them off and we all burst out laughing. "Well I'm actually Pan, but I PANicked!" (Editors Note: Holy shit i thought of that pun while editing I'm a genius!) I said and we all chuckled. We had drinks, ate, joked around, until eventually Theo found a man to go hang on to, John and Frances where making out. (we don't ship that but I needed to get them away from Pip soooo)

The funny thing is, Frances is a complete lesbian, and John is straight. He began eating her neck and she moans out a name. I snorted when she said it. "Theo~" she moaned out and I died.

I was cracking up but John didn't care. He just continued to make out with her. Suddenly I am approached by a man. He was about {Height} and was probably the sexiest person I have ever seen.

This boy had h/C that literally looked like a god and his h/L was just perfect.

Authors Note: If you have no's for the story......sorry Aaron Burr

I was staring in awe, "so~ You new around here?" His voice was like honey, so soft and sweet. A one of a kind voice that could make anyone swoon. "Oh uh...yes, this is my first time coming's my birthday actually!" I say unsure of what to do or what to say.

"Well you see cutie! This is a club, meaning you can do anything you want to, to me~ or I can do anything to you~ all for a small price!" I watched as he leaned upon me and butterflies found their way into my stomach.

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