Eacker X Philip

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To start off this is short and unfinished because I don't ship it and...we'll...just read...

Passing him in the halls drove the boy crazy. Just seeing him at the collage they both attended made him want to slam him against a wall and take him there. Sure they both boys would be killed for it and their parents would be ashamed.

Just imagine the headlines for his love, man cheats on wife then his son gets caught with a man! The Hamilton's would never hear the end of it. So he waited....wait hold the mother fucking phone! George Eacker is TEN YEARS OLDER THEN PHILIP! IM SORRY BUT I CANT DO THIS!!!

                   A Sorrynnom Roll

Ps. Person who requested this I'm sorry I was actually planning to make this a actual chapter and I had a whole story plan for it, but It just disturbs me that he is ten years older. Like Philip was still a teenager....

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