Male!Reader X Lafayette

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Okay hi how ya doing? Anyways I like to thank aAlexadra_sweetz for giving me excellent advice! Thank you again I really needed advice. If anyone else has any more advice please help. Anyways I love ya all <3

Warning: sex, cursing, jealousy, freckled child, innocent, kinky


I scrolled through my Instagram as the teacher blabbed on. It was almost graduation so nobody really gave a shit anymore. Test where all finished, homework was burned. Finally I was going to become an adult. Four years of hell to become a teacher. As soon as I get my teaching degree I'm going to get a job at my local elementary school that my cousin attends.

"Okay times up for today get the hell out...." our Professor says and I stand and begin to walk out. Sticking earbuds in I walk out of the building and literally crash into someone. My eyes flutter up and I see a gorgeous man. "Oh uh! Sorry mon amie!" His french accent made me melt. Men like this is why I am gay.

"Oh uh it's okay, Im Y/N, Y/N L/N" I say and the male chuckles and my heart melts. I brush my hair out of my face and dusted my self off. "I am Marquis De Lafayette of Laf, how can I make it up to you. I mean like I bumped into you again I am so very sorry!" His English was pretty well for being a Frenchman.

"You could take me out on a date..." I say and his face flushed before he takes my hand. "Mon cheri I will pick you up at six!" My mouth drops and he hands me a card with his number on it. I watch as he leaves and begin squealing. I jumped around and my best friend Peggy notices this and approached me. "Why are you so excited?" She asks and I show her the card. "YA BOI GOT HIM SELF A DATE!" I yell and she squeal.

"EEEE THATS GREAT! WHO IS HE? DO YOU LIKE HIM? IS HE HOT?" She began to overfill me with questions and I chuckle before taking her arm and dragging her to my apartment to get ready.....

Months Later

"HAPPY 9 MONTH ANNIVERSARY BABE!" I say and jump into Lafayette's arms pressing our lips together. "Mon Amour calm down...." he says and I frown and kiss his face all over. "I *kiss* can't *kiss* calm *kiss* down because *kiss kiss* I *kiss cheek* love *kisses nose* you" finally connections our lips and Laf grinned on the inside.

"Tonight will be the best night of your life Mon Cherie!" I whisper into his ear and his face flushed as I bit his earlobe and slip off. "SEE YA LATER LAF!" I say and grab my keys leaving the house. Four hours of me running errands and getting anniversary gifts later.

I open my apartment door and see Lafayette and John sitting on the couch yes cup in hand. I felt jealousy burn inside me, John was a very opened Gay. For example his hair was up in a bun, he was wearing a rainbow sweater and ripped skinny jeans. And I'm not going to mention the Pride vans on his feet.

This man was proud of him self to a whole new level. "Hey honey!" I say and peck Lafs cheek checking if John was watching. The freckled boy just smiled and squealed at the adorable couple. "You guys are precious! Laffy! You guys should join me and Alex on our next date!" I smiled a bit at the cheerful boy but still felt jealousy burn inside.

"Yeah that would be great..." I sat through my teeth. Trying to sound pleasant. Laf raises an eyebrow at me and gave me the 'really' look. John clearly picked up on this because he awkwardly set his cup down and stood. "I umm...Eliza is going shopping so I got to help, bye Shister!" John rushes out and I wait to hear his foots steps reach the steps.

"Really Y/N?" Laf sets his cup down and stands. "What?" I ask innocently biting my lip. Something I knew he liked, I used my puppy dog eyes and he rolled his eyes. "You know what don't act Innocent Mon Cherie!" He says and walks past me hitting our shoulders purposely. I roll my eyes and follow him into our shared bedroom.

While he puts up clothes in our closet I wrap my arms around him and begin kissing the back of his neck. I moved his frizzy hair aside and went to work. "miel s'il vous plaît" (i know for a fact that isn't right google translate...) I stuck a hand under his shirt and slowly massaged his nipples a small breathy moan escape his lips and I pull away proud of my self.

I fall back onto our bed and lay in the most sexy pose I could think of. My legs sprawled open and my shirt a mess. "tu ressembles à une salope" he says and towers over me. "Awww thanks!" I say and he chuckled before bending down and falling on top of me connecting our lips.

"You can't just do that..." he says and I chuckle using my knee to rub his crotch. As I began kissing his neck leaving marks of owner ship on him. Before flipping us over I removed my shirt and began grinding on him. My vans slip off and I bit my lip. Pulling away looking at my fully clothed boyfriend who just was smiling at me. "Your so gorgeous..." Laf says and uses a hand to put a string of hair behind my ear.

"Your not to shabby your self french boy." I say and we both laugh and I connect our lips once more. As he slipped out of his shirt he began to attack my neck and collar bone. Running a hand through my h/c hair and palming me. "Shit Laf!" I say and he puts me on the bed. "You have been very naughtier mon amour. Don't get jealous when I'm around my best friends...." Laf goes into our closest and pulls out the handcuffs.

I gulp and bit the inside of my cheek as he cuffed me to the bed post. I watched as Lafayette slowly removed articles of clothing. I rubbed my legs together trying to get friction. "Vous arrêtez!" I pause and spread my legs. My nipples pink and had small goosebumps on them. I felt tingles in my pants and my hands slowly became numb.

"Now..." Laf says fully naked his large baguette fully exposed. I practically drooled at the sight. While he removed my pants exposing my croissant. "No underwear?" He asks and I shake my head chuckling. "Forgot?" I say and he laughs and begins kissing up and down my thighs. My back arched and I push my hips up trying to get friction. "Babe..." I groan out and he slowly licked the tip.

We make eye contact and he stares intensely before deep throating my croissant. I arched my back and he kept eye contact. I squeeze my eyes shut and Laf pushed my hips down to keep me still. "Shit...fuck.....Gilbert...." I breath out through moans. Laf reaches over to my arms and goes under the pillow pulling out a large bottle of lube. Coating his fingers in the substance slowly slipping in two fingers.

As he continued to suck me off and finger my tight hole. I gradually got closer and closer. "Fuck LAF!" I say and he pulls away removing his fingers. "You cum when I say. If you. Don't obey no sex for a month!" He says and lubes up his fully erected baguette. His tip inserted a bit into me and I hiss in pain.

"Are you ever going to get use to this mon amour?" He says and I chuckle shaking my head no. I would never get use to the feeling of Lafayette fucking me. It was a new experience every time. Each more memorable then the last. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he was half way in. "HARDER!" I moan out and Lafayette smirked pushing in all the way and I buck my hips releasing a loud yelp.

As he went up and down and I jumped on his large baguette I got closer. "Continue baby...." he groans his voice hoarse. I bit my lip drawing blood. "I'm close..." i say and he hits my nerves. "AGH FUCK THERE!"

Lafayette began abusing that spot and I felt the bubble burst as I clench my legs trying to hold in the orgasm. "Open your legs!" Laf order and I shake my head no. "Fine release!" He says and I spread my leg and strips upon strips of white escapes my croissant. Lafayette continue thrusting in through my orgasm.

"Shit Laffy I can't take it!" I say and he slows down as he finally fills me up. My breathing slows down and the pain in my legs and wrist suddenly approach. Lafayette removed the cuffs and I collapsed into his chest. "Baby I can't walk..." I say and he chuckles. Picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. "I love you Laffy taffy!" I say and he chuckles. "I love you too Y/N"


So yeah that was fun, it had taken me two hours to write! Oooof

Word Count:1587

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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