Alexander HamiltonXJohn Laurens

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This was suppose to be sad angsty shit but I can't make sad stories without happy ending i'm just to much of a cheerful cheerful person. so lets get started...

Warning: This sucks...

I watched in slow motion as it happened, I was rushing my beautiful wife to the hospital when my god damn foot slipped. I heard her scream before everything went dark. I wake up in a emergency room bandages around my head. My heart was racing I was panicking, what happened? Is Eliza okay? Hows the baby?...

I got flashes of memories in my head as I remember what happened. Eliza went into labor around three in the morning I was rushing her to the hospital when I noticed some dumb ass suddenly stopped. Instead of pressing the breaks like I intended to I hit the go pedal and rammed straight into the car. My wife's screams filled my ears and I frantically look around. I try to sit up but my chest was in so much pain. 

Minutes passed which felt like hours I watched as my good friend John Laurens ran into my hospital room. "Alexander! Your awake..." he nervously says and comes over and sits on my hospital bed. "Where is Eliza? How is the baby?" I asked and I saw sorrow in his eyes. He had taken my hand and stared me in the eyes. His eyes already watering, "the baby is fine...but Eliza....Oh Alexander, Eliza didn't make it..." his voice breaks half way through.

The whole world froze, tears came to my eyes and I knew I was crying. (Nah shit Sherlock) "Oh god...What am I going to do....Eliza was my everything...." I began sobbing and John hugged me the best he could. Trying to not hurt me, the doctors came in and notice John already with me. "I'm guessing you got the news...I'm so sorry Mr.Hamilton we tried everything to save her. But your son is fine and Eliza's dying words where 'tell Alexander I love he made my life greater every day and he should continue to do great things with the new Philip Hamilton in our world..." the doctors say and once again begin sobbing. 

Three Years Later

I watched as my son crawled on top of John and hugged him. I smile softly to my self and walk over to them. I kiss Johns forehead and pick up Philip hugging him tightly. "Come on Pip its bed time!" I say and carry Philip to his bedroom. "Night Daddy" (god that sounds wrong) I kissed his forehead. "Good night son..." I exited the room and I notice John staring at his phone, a hand covering his mouth and tears threatening to fall. "Darling whats wrong?" I asked taking his hand into mine and he falls onto the couch.

"My father, he found out we where dating and he wants me to come home or else...." his voice was shaky and I wrapped my arms around him pulling him in embrace. "No you can't leave, you and Philip are the only ones I have left. Please don't leave me...." I cry out and hug him tighter. "Okay..." 

Three Month Later

I regret saying that, John has become increasingly paranoid. Its gotten to the point to where he is always with me or Philip. Even during showers if I'm not joining him Philip is. This morning I got a knock at the door and a tall man stood there. "Excuse me I was told John Laurens lives here?" I raised an eye brow. "Well you'd be wrong, Hercules Mulligan, and you are?" I ask and he clears his throat. "Henry Laurens I am looking for my son do you perhaps know him?" I shake my head no.

"No sir, I am only a simple fashion designer that just moved to this city..." I say and he smiles brightly. "Thank you for your time sir, sorry for the misunderstanding." He then leaves and I slam the door and see John peaking out from behind the corner. I lock the door and walk over to John. "That was a good lie babe!" He says and we share a kiss...

Two Weeks Later

I was pacing around the living room around midnight, beads of sweat dripped down my face an my nails freshly chewed off. John hadn't come home from work yet, and I was beyond nervous something happened. My gut turned and did flips, and suddenly get a text and I pull up my phone.

'Im So sorry darling but I must go with my father, I love you dearly please continue with your life and again I will always love you...' I read over and over again my eyes reading the 'I must go with my father' over. My heart racing at top speed tears began falling and I collapse to my knees. "Why do I lose everyone I love!" (Don't worry honey I make all endings happy ;) I cry out covering my face with a hands and I hear small foot prints and am suddenly tackled. "You still got me Pop!" I squeeze him tight.

"You'd be correct, you are the only one I have left." I pick up Philip up and carry him to his bed and lay him down. "My son....look at my son...pride is not the word I am looking for....there is so much more inside me now..." I sang as I watched his eyelids fall and slowly he goes to sleep. 

I exited the room and saw a blue figure that looked just like Eliza except it was see through. "Your doing great Alexander...." she says and I felt my eyes water and I walk up to her. "Eliza..." my voice sounded weak. She kissed my cheek and put it only felt like air. "I miss you my dear Alexander, I can not wait until we see each other again...." she says in almost a whisper. "and same to you my love, now if you can excuse me I have work to do..."

Two Years Later

"BYE DAD, BYE DAD NUMBER TWO!" Philip yells frantically waving his arm at me and John. "BYE PHILIP!" I watch as my five year old son go into his kindergarten class. John was nervous of course and we both knew he would be fine. He takes after me of course! 

"it officially has been two years exact since you got me freed from my father, you deserve a president." John says winking at me as we get into his car. "Babe as long as your with me thats the only present I need....and oral....but you more" We then share a kiss before driving to work....


Bruh I love the last part XD I added it while editing and thought It was need, see I was gonna make John leave and have killed him self but I am to hella happy for that shit! Plus I hate sad stories.....Leave request <3


                  A Cinnamon Roll


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