Thomas JeffershitXreader Smut!

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Okay so as I'm writing this I'm listening to Dead Girl Walking and I'm dying because a smutty song with a smutty chapter of the horny teenage girls are quaking! Forgive me I'm feeling hyper...Forgive me for writing this and this is my first smutt idk how sex really is but I've read fan fictions with sex in it so Imma try my best.....

Warning: Thomas Jefferson, Sex, Cursing, No Daddy kink, and some weird ass scratching kink? I made it up but I know some people in this world do scratch while having sex (don't ask how I know) but some men or women got to enjoy it huh? what ever let do dis sheet....

Y/N pov

Being roommates with a complete man hoe is possibly the worst thing ever. Thomas Jefferson (so at a this moment Sincerely Me came on and I had to stop and sing every part now I shall continue) was my best friend. Key word WAS, the moment I moved in I realized how much of a man whore he was and we began to talk less and less.

Now all we do is fight, about what? Everything, whats for dinner, who's music is better, why he needs to stop inviting girls over to fuck. Alexander says we have extreme sexual tension but I wouldn't date that thot if he was the last man on earth....

Okay thats a lie I couldn't say no to him, but he is constantly having girls over. (okay so half way through this wattpad broke and I pissed me off because that meant this was gonna take forever and I wanted to get two chapters out but since wattpad broke I couldn't finish the Lams chapter so after this imma put a filler one- shot in so back to the story)

Just hearing him pound into them as they fake moan out his name and words like daddy disgust me. (oof that was weird to type *chugs holy water* im ready...) Although a small part of me got jealous when it was a really pretty girl that looks as if she can one up me at any moment. (okay past me wtf is that, that just sounded selfish)

I arrived back home late one night after re-taking my American History Quiz that Mr.Washington is being an as about.  I silently tip toed into the house expecting to hear a woman morning and some weird kinky ass shit, but instead I was greeted by silence. I didn't think anything of it but Thomas's door wide open caught my eye.

I decided to sneak a peak in only to see him jerking off while lesbian porn played on his laptop, wait never mind that's my laptop! That asshole! Now I could be a major duck and march in there grabbing it or I could stand here looking like a pervert or I could go masturbate my self.

I liked the third option more, so I went and showered and changed into a large t-shirt with blue underwear.  (That's what I wear to sleep so you change it if you want) I then shut my door and tried to lock it only to be greeted with familiar because Thomas was being a dick and broke it!

I laid in my bed and covered my self in covers and began rubbing up and down. After a while I remembered Thomas jerking off so I decided to think about him rubbing me, because I might have a small school girl crush on him. 

My face was scrunched up and distorted in pleasure although my blood ran cold when I hear my door open. I look up to see a Thomas holding a camera smirking. I remove my hand from my underwear and run over to him. Chasing him around the house then ending in his bedroom where I pinned him to the wall. "Give me your phone" I say making sure to sound a stern as possible.

"Who where you getting off to?" He asks smirking and I felt my self blush furiously. "No one...." then in a flash I was the one being pinned. Thomas had a knee between my legs, an arm above my shoulder, and a arm by my waist. "Is that why you kept muttering my name~" he says his smirk only getting bigger. "I was mad at you! You need to learn to close door!" I say and he takes the hand by my head and pulls my chin up to him. 

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