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I don't usually write girlXgirl Hamilton because I don't have a lot of girlXgirl ships. Although I had a good idea and Maria and Eliza seemed perfect for this! Enjoy my loves~

Warning: Idk, Mess with yo mind, and BURRNNM IT WITH FIRE (me listening to Burn and Stay Alive reprise)

I held the papers in my hand used a match and set the papers aflame. Every letter she wrote, every time she wrote My Dearest, Eliza and every love Maria I burned.

She had an affair...my own wife....I was devastated. Who did she cheat on me with? Well apparently James Reynolds and Alexander Hamilton and who knows who else. I bet John is taking this the same as me. Our lovers cheat on us with each other.

Maria Lewis I swear I will never forgive you! No matter what.... I regret meeting you....oh that night....i remember that night I might just regret that night for the rest of my days....I do regret that night...

(Unicorns and pixie dust inserted)

I walked into the flashing room with music blaring. My two sisters, Angelica and Peggy, at my side. I walk around and greet my friends and people I know. Dance a little bit then she catches my eye.

A beautiful woman, wearing a long red dress. It dragged behind her, the woman's curly hair put up into a bun. Her lips red and so plump, eyeliner on fleak! (That's how I ruined the entire story XD)

I wanted to approach her, ask her to dance, tell her she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Then I look over and see Angelica dragging some boy over. He was fairly handsome, hair tied into a poney tail, amazing eyes.

Although behind him I saw my friend John Laurens. We had art class together so we talked a lot. He looked...hurt. I frowned but quickly had to replace it with a forced smile.

"Elizabeth Schuyler..." I say and crusty he smiles and I see Angelica squeal. "Alexander, Alexander Hamilton..." he says. I glance over his shoulder looking at John. He was staring at us with a small frown upon his face.

"Thanks for approaching me..." I say and he chuckles. "If it takes a dance for us to meet it will have been worth it!" He says and I rolled my eyes inside my head. "I'll leave you to it!" Angelica says and walks off. The moment she's gone I release the breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

"Okay look, I'm gay, and your friend right there has been staring at us for the past five minutes. Go ask him to dance!" I say and Alex smirked and chuckled. "That's John, he's my best friend..." I raised and eyebrow. "To him you seem like more." I say and his face flushed.

"He told you that?" He asked in a panic and I smirked. "No I could just tell. Now go talk to him!" I say and the minute Alex left the beautiful girl walks up to me.

"Maria Lewis...." she says and I blush and felt my heart speed up. "Elizabeth Schuyler! Your really pretty...." I say and my eyes widened. Did I just say that?!?! She giggled and blushed. Oh god her laugh it like the morning sun!

"Thank you, I personally think your gorgeous!" She replies and I felt my heart race quicken. "Care to dance?" She asks and I frantically nodded. That night we danced talked and at the end of the night she walked me outside.

"I had a lot of fun tonight Betsy..." Maria says a nickname she picked up for Me. "I had a lot of fun too Maria..." I say and she giggled. "Will you stop being a nervous and kiss me?" Maria says and I tense up. She giggled and took my shoulders and pulled me up to her face.

Our lips touch and I felt my stomach do back flips. After a few seconds I get use to it and really get into the kiss. I pull her close and we finally break away after some dumbasses yell "GO LADIES!" We both chuckled and stared at each other realizing the new formed relationship.

Present Day

This brings us to now, ten years of being together. Married for six of those years....have two children.....and she goes off to another man. I thought she loved me, I thought she was mine, she said she was mine!

Turns out it was all a lie...and I am now on my own In the world. Of course I have my Philip and Angie at my side, but there 9 and 5. Philip might understand it. I doubt it although. I go into my bedroom and pack my suit case.

Then I go to the children's bedroom and pack at least two weeks worth of clothes. I lock up the house grab my personal items and get into my car. After picking up my confused children we make our way to Vermont. Where my parents live. Angelica should be their ready to comfort me. It's all I really needed.

Someone on my side....

Maria Lewis...I hope that you and Alexander Hamilton Burn....

I pray for you John....

                Elizabeth Schuyler

-Basically that was a letter left for Maria explaining where she is off too-

Sooo what do you think? Yeah, no? Okay well I kinda like it. I thinks it's.....okay? Anyways baiii

                    A Sadnnmon Roll

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