Alexander HamiltonXreader

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So this didn't turn up like I wanted....but I kinda like the ending....


After Laf, John, and Thomas didn't arrive at the movies me and Alex just decided to go to my house. "I can't believe Jefferson would do this!" Alex yelled and I shrugged my shoulders.

It wasn't a surprise Thomas and John got together. John needed someone who wouldn't hurt him. I'm sure Thomas won't...I hope Thomas won't....I'll kill Thomas if he does. John doesn't need to suffer any more heartbreak.

"Lex calm down...." I say, "well Jefferson knew how I wanted to try and fix me and Johns relationship!" Alexander says and I felt my heart shatter. I silently get up and walk into the bathroom. I then close the door and slide down it.

I knew I never had the chance......I couldn't help but know. Alexander was to oblivious. You'd think the girl that staid by his side for the past ten years. Through Highschool, Collage, and him cheating on John. You'd think he'd realize that he means something to me.

I was wrong...Alexander Hamilton will never change. I don't think he can change. I felt a tear slide down my face. Suddenly I heart knocking on the door. "Y/N come out..." he says and I don't respond. "What did I Do?" He asks and I smile to my self.

"I grew pretty attached to you
Like a dog on a lead
Thought you were everything I could ever have dreamed of
And more than I could ever need
But you like boys, boys, boys
But you like boys, boys, boys
And you don't like me"

I silently sang....

"Always thought you looked at me differently
Than any other you'd see
Thought you were aching to see me
At any, any possibility
But you like boys, boys, boys
But you like boys, boys, boys
And you don't like me"

My voice echoed in the bathroom and I heard Alex slide down....

"I could be a bitch and tell you a million reasons why
Being with me would be much better than with any other guy
I could tell you I'll treat you right
And never wrong
Tell you in my arms is where you belong
But I know that you can't change someone
So I'll just leave you alone, although
I wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Girls like me"

I used a finger to trace my childhood scares on my legs...

"You could have had the decency to tell me
Everytime I'd kiss you
That women isn't really something
That you've ever been into
'Cause you like boys, boys, boys
'Cause you like boys, boys, boys
And you don't like me"

I have sudden flash backs to all the times I kissed Alexander's cheek and he would just chuckle it off.

"You could have had the kindness to turn me down privately
Instead of laughing about it with all of your friends
And then talking shit about me
'Cause you like boys, boys, boys
'Cause you like boys, boys, boys
And you don't like me"

Him and John where always close, but me and Alex where best friends. We'd flirt with each other and more. Until John confessed his feelings for Alex...

"I could be a bitch and tell you a million reasons why
Being with me would be much better than with any other guy
I could tell you I'll treat you right
And never wrong
Tell you in my arms is where you belong
But I know that you can't change someone
So I'll just leave you alone, although
I wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Girls like me"

I sang a little bit louder this time trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

"And I know you don't swing that way
But that won't take my feelings away
Oh I wish you liked girls
I wish you liked girls
Like me
And I know you don't swing that way
But that won't take my feelings away
Oh I wish you liked girls
I wish you liked girls
Like me
And I know you don't swing that way
But that won't take my feelings away
Oh I wish you liked girls
I wish you liked girls
Like me"

I remember how nervous Alexander was to tell me he was Bi. It was like a poor little 17 year old puppy dog afraid of the world. God he was adorable....

"I could be a bitch and tell you a million reasons why
Being with me would be much better than with any other guy
I could tell you I'll treat you right and never wrong
Tell you in my arms is where you belong
But I know that you can't change someone
So I'll just leave you alone, although
I wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Wish you liked girls, girls, girls
Girls like me"

I finished the song and had taken a deep breath. "Y/N come on..." he says and I smile to my self. "Lexie it's no use...." I say and open the door. We both sit facing one another. "John found someone new...." I say and his eyes fill with tears.

I pulled him close and into a hug as he began softly crying. "I shouldn't have hurt him...." he says and I run my hand through his hair. "I know....but the past is in the can't change it...." I say and he pulled me in his lap.

"Should we ever tell him?" Alex asked and I chuckled. "I rather live...." I say and he softly smile and I wiped a tear from his eye. "He's gonna find out...." Alex says and I roll my eyes and cuddle my self into Alexander's chest. "I really like you Y/N" I smile and kiss his lips....

There you go's the's been ten years...ten years since you got with Jefferson....ten years since I found the love of my life. Now you need to know something...John...Alexander cheated on you with me.....

???me or neh? I hope you guys like it, leave suggestions...umm...yeah...bai

A Happy Cinnamon Roll

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