Thomas X Alexander

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I forgot who this was requested by but thanks for the request I actually really like this one....

Warning-Sex, cursing, furious, Jeffershit, probably more....

(Side note-I'm writing this in class so let's go awkwardness!)

"JEFFERSON DO YOU EVER LISTEN TO ME?!" Their voices echoed down the hallways. Alex and Thomas where at it again. Yelling and arguing, sometimes it got physical. Most employees got use to it, George Washington for example, just blasted music, the Schuyler sisters went out to lunch, and John, Laf, Nor Herc even worked at the office.

"I CANT LISTEN TO YOU!" The frizzy haired man yelled waving his arms. "And why is that?" Alex asked looking his enemy in the eye. Giving him a dark look. "Because...." Thomas's face turned red and he looked away.

Alex rose an eyebrow and chuckled. "Because, isn't an answer Jeffershit!" Thomas was done he furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hands on Alexander chest and pushed him. As the small man fell onto the couch Thomas looked away. "Because your so fücking hot!" Alexander's eyes widened and he felt his face heat up. "Thomas you know I'm married-"

"To John, I know, but god Alex every time I look at you I fall in love deeper! Just please give me a chance!" Alexander's eyes widened and opened his mouth but words didn't leave his lips. For once Alexander was speechless. This only happened two other times, one during John and his first kiss and when John Purposed.

"I'm sorry Thomas..." for the first Alex actually used Thomas Jefferson's first name. Thomas gave him a weak smile and cupped Alexander's cheeks. "Just...give me hour with you. Being just mine, and then I won't ever do this again. You can go back to the man you love and I will continue being a pest..."

The offer was a very tempting offer. Alex looks over at the picture of his husband and him and puts it face down. " hour...then...we never speak of this!" Thomas pressed his lips to Alex and the short writer blushed. At first he didn't kiss back but Thomas began grinding on him and Alex gave in. Quickly pulling away,

He locked his office door and closed the curtains. Then proceeded to sit on the couch in his office. Waiting for Thomas to join him. Refusing to make eye contact as Thomas stripped to his underwear.

Thomas had a plan, he was going to make this one hour so passionate Alex would ditch the freckled dork and run away with him. Thomas knew Alexander well enough that he would. Or so he thought....

Thomas rubbed his hands all over Alexander's chest from under his shirt and begin to grind against him. Then proceeded to remove Alex's shirt. "No hickeys!" Alex warned as his shirt came off and Thomas's eyes widened at the bruised chest. John and him got a little to into 'it' a couple nights ago. And John nibbled a little bit to much.

Thomas felt his heart ache as he saw the love bites from another man on his crush. Thomas just brushed it off and continued to kiss Alex and grind. Slowly stripped the two, to nothing. As Thomas flipped the man over Alex paused him.

"In the drawer" was all he said and Thomas went over to Alexander's desk and opened up a drawer on the bottom left. The bottle of lube was hidden under papers. Clearly showing this wasn't the Hamilton's first time having sex in his office. From his past relationships and John just generally coming over when he felt horny.

Thomas lubed his fingers up and slowly put two into Alexander's ass. (He has a bubble butt btw) short huffs escaped Alex's mouth and he arched his back in pleasure. Thomas was now onto three fingers and Alex gradually got close. "Shit..." Alex mumbled and Thomas hovered over Alex's ass removing his fingers.

A whimper escapes his lips and Alex bit down on his lower lip. Then Thomas pushed himself fully into the lawyer and he arched his back. Usually Alex was dom, and when John did dom he was really gentle. (Also not gonna point fingers but Frizzy hair has a bigger dick) so having someone be rough on him was new.

Moans and gasp were leaving the two as their moans and slapping of skin could be heard throughout the room. Lucky for them they knew how to be quiet. Because if they where loud everyone would know. "Shit I'm close..." Alex muttered and Jefferson pushed his hips forward hitting Alexander's sensitive spot and a small Yelp escape.

Thomas covered Alexander's mouth and he began abusing the spot. Hitting it over and over and finally Alex bit down on Thomas's hand and released all over the wooden floors. Seconds later Thomas pulls out and releases on the floor.

Alex used a rag in his drawer and cleaned up the mess. Got dressed and handed the rag to Thomas. "I don't want this" he said and the Macaroni fucker chuckled and put it in his suit case.

Alex made him self look presentable and Thomas made him self look presentable. A small knock on Alexander's door scared the two. "Come in!" He yelled and handed Thomas some papers. "Get the filed for me Thomas, thanks!" Alex says and Thomas begins walking out just as John walks in.

"Hey hun!" Innocent turtle boi says kissing Alex's cheek. "You called Thomas by his first name!" He pointed out and Alex smiled and pecked his husbands cheek. "I guess me and him are finally getting along..." Johns eyes lit up and he bang jumping around the room. "FINALLY! Now we can have a new friend at movie night!" Alex chuckled at his adorable husband and pressed his lips to his. "I love you Johnny!"

"Love you too Lexi!"

Thomas smiles as he stood outside the door. At least the one he loved was happy. That's all that matters..."uh excuse me...." Thomas looked down at a small man who was just I add adorable!

"Yes?" Both boys heart skipped a beat. "I'm James Madison your new assistant..." he says and the two shake hands. "I ship it..." both men hear and turn to see John and Alex hand in hand. John grins at him and Alex gave him a sincere smile. Before walking off. "Mr.Madison I know we just met but would you like to go get dinner?" He asked and James face lit up and he nodded.

Thomas could tell things would get better. As long as no body knew their secret.


Peggy and Angelica looked at each other horrified. "Alex and John really need to stop having sex during work..." they say at the same time unaware at the scandale the just listened to.


Yeet that was fun to write and long I got to almost 2000 words! Anyways I try to update as soon as I can. Also I don't know that much about gay sex but I shall try. Also I know (from research) that a men usually only has a orgasm once during sex. Because their thing shrinks and shit. Idk I am a curious human and google and I are besties.


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