John X Alexander

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So I'm single again...yay....anyways I cried while writing this! Hope you like!

"What do you mean we need a break?" The short man throws his arms in the air and looks up at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry Alex...just...just wait until this semester is over." The freckled turtle pleaded.

He needed a break, the stress of having a boyfriend and school didn't mix. So John asked if him and his boyfriend of two years could take a small break. A part of John was aware this wouldn't turn out well. But the countless nights of staying up late studying and/or dates and passion filled nights.

It got to him, he barely ever was happy anymore. Bags constantly under his eyes. Basically lived in sweatshirts and sweatpants. Broke all poney tails so basically lives with his hair down. "But John Baby...." Alex grabbed Johns hand and pulled him close. Hoping to get John out of what ever crazy state he had entered and get him back.

Alex began kissing Johns neck trying to win his love back. John set his hands on Alexander's chest and pushed him. "Please just one last time....." Alex asks and John frowned and looked away. "Fine...."

That night Alex and John fucked one another until both of them couldn't walk. Then as soon as day broke Alex packed up his stuff and left. The moment John heard the front door close he broke down into sobs. Knowing he made a gigantic mistake.

Every part of him screamed to pick up his phone and call Alex back Or, chase after him but for some strange reason he didn't. John let Alexander walk out. As Alex stood outside the door waiting for his ex lover to open the door and say he was wrong.

After five minutes tears swelled into his eyes and he rushed downstairs. Finally after thirty minutes John gets up. Fixes him self and gets to his car, but he was to late. He knocked on the door only to be greeted by Elizabeth Schuyler.

"So now he comes crawling back!" She says raising and eyebrow and I try to look past her. "Please Eliza let me go see Alex...." he pleaded with the woman for minutes. Although she tried to see if he could The crying short man sent John away.

The door closed and John sunk down sobbing. "What the fuck did I do?" He questioned allowed....

1 year later

John looked at the card in shock. His body shook and he felt sick to his stomach.

                Your Invited
Dear John Laurens,
            I would like to personally invite you to mine and Alexander's wedding. It would be a great pleasure to see you once again.
                      Elizabeth Schuyler

They hadn't even been dating for a year! "What the fuck!" John roared and threw the paper on the ground. Like a child he rushed to his bedroom threw himself into his pillows and screamed and cried him self to sleep. A few weeks past and the wedding arrives.

John arrives alone, he noticed so many familiar faces. As he walks around he finds Alex. Looking as dazzling as ever. God he looks so handsome....John thought and he felt his heart swell up.

"Oh John...." Alex says and turns around. His eyes look scared and sad, "hello Alexander...." Johns voice was dull and sounded emotionless. "How have you been?" Alex asked and set his comb down.

" emotional mess. After finding out my ex is getting married to a woman he has only been dating for less then a year....." his voice laced with venom and regret. "John i know but...." John cut him off. If he was gonna express his feelings he was going to do it now.

"Alexander I love you! I have and always will! I asked you to wait one month until graduation then we could have gotten out of that hell hole of collage and maybe have a wedding of  our own! But no! The minute I try to get back with you and asked you to wait I figure out your getting married! You are so god damn impatient Alexander you can't ever wait for anything." Alex approached John.

"John I still love you and I always will too. I'll call off the and you can go to South Carolina and start a new life..." Alexander pleaded and John felt tears come to his eyes. He leaned down and kissed Alex lightly on the side of his lips.

"Sorry Alexander...your too little to late...."


Start Vs. The Forces of Evil fans out there hey~ you get the reference....anyways I cried a lot while writing this. John wasn't much better. Although he knew that Alex had promised to get married to Eliza that's why he didn't take his offer. Because John is my cinnamon roll child!

              A Cinnamon Roll

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