KG3XJohnLaurens Spy SMUT!

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So yeah I'm back, because yeah why not! So this was requested by cukierkowekoszmarki so yeah get ready ladies, gents, and no binary....something that rhymes....

Warning:Smut, Sir Kinky, overstimulation, fluff, angst, and yeah smut.

John Laurens POV

I will admit being a spy has its perks. You get cool shit, and the ladies dig it. Well I don't particularly care for the female type but... My boss Isn't a huge fan of homosexuals.


Oh uhh sorry Alex! Dazed off..

Ah yes Alexander Hamilton, my extremely attractive co-worker who is directing my mission. We have gone out a few times and must I say. That man is insane in bed!

Well I've spent to much time sitting on this roof Time to jump into action. I climbed down and looked at the kitchen door. Just my luck someone began delivering food back and forth. While the man was digging in his truck I snuck in.

Silent, like a cat.

1. Sneak into castle
2.find King George 3
3. Steal all his information
4.go home and be a hero!

Seems simple enough, right? Wrong!

Literally there where people everywhere. I wandered the halls for what seemed like hours until I stumbled upon mother fucking George. I don't even feel like calling him King. He isn't my king that's for damn sure.

"What do you mean nobody listened to your protest?"

"I'm..I'm very sorry sir this man kept cutting me off!"

"What was his name!"

I glanced over and I swear the other guy saw me. His eyes widened and I quickly swung around.


"Sir...sir I believe someone's over there..."

I felt a rise of panic. I'm not allowed to hurt anyone! Lee specifically told me that If I injure a single one of his men I'll be hurt. Which is ridiculous saying we are murdering hundreds of them by the week.

I rush into the closest room I could find being the sneak spy dude I am and not thinking straight.

Laurens? What's the memo?

Uh I might have been seen

WHAT! John! Get out of there! Get out of there now!

No it's fine...

They will kill you!


Aww you care about me!

Of course I care about you dumbass now get back to work! Finish the mission...

I examined my areas, seems I picked the right room. Papers where scattered everywhere. There was a large bed in the middle of the left wall, on the other side a large closet and two doors. A dresser and desk that was barley able to be seen what on the north wall.

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