Aaron BurrXreader

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I don't have a schedule of what stories I am going to do, I am just gonna do my favorite ones of the ones I write until someone request a story. Okay imma start!

Warning:This is fixing to get romantic asf

(Props to you if you get the reference bc you shall be my new best friend! and I will love ya to my dying days!)

I entered the large house to see utter chaos. Martha Washington was rushing around the house yelling. Alexander and Lafayette where running around screaming. Aaron was reading a book with a dull look on his face. All of this while George Washington stood there with the most irritated face I have ever seen.

"Adopt a kid they say, it will be fun they say..." he keeps muttering. "Uh hello Mr.Washington..." I say and he smile and looks over at me. "Oh finally! Martha darling come on!" Martha rushed over kissing me lightly on the cheek and rushed out with George following closely behind.

"BOYS NEED TO BE IN BED BY ELEVEN!" Martha yells and I chuckle and turn towards the chaos. Alexander and Aaron yelling at each other and Lafayette crying in the corner. "Enough!" I yell and they all freeze. "Alexander, Aaron apologize! Laffy whats wrong?" I yell and Alexander and Aaron look away shamefully. "This is why I stay in my room..." Aaron mutters and walks up stairs. I go over to the six year old and pick up Lafayette. "Gilbert what happened?" I asked and he sniffed burying his face into my shoulder.

"Well Alex threw Aarons book and then Aaron yelled and then I yelled to stand up for Alex and he yelled  at me and that made me cry!" I hugged Lafayette tight. "You guys don't talk to Aaron he's a prick!" I say and Gilbert frowns, "but he is our brother!" I chuckled and kissed Lafayette on the nose and set him down. "You are too nice Laffy, Alex are you okay?" I asked and Alexander walked over to me and kicked a toy truck. "Yeah, but Aaron needs to learn to shut up!" he yells and I frown.

"Alexander! Don't say words like shut up!" I say and glance up the stairs. Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton, and Lafayette where Washingtons adoptive children. Alex and Gilbert were my babies! I love them my own! The door bell suddenly rings and a I walk away from the boys. I answer the door to see Thomas Jefferson he was frowning and glares at me me raising an eyebrow. "Oh~ Y/N! Why are you here?" He asks and winks at me, my face flushed a different color and I felt butterflies.

"I'm baby sitting..." I glance behind me to see Alex and Laf starring at me from the back. "And Burr?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "Aaron Burr is not a child he can take care of him self, Jefferson what did you need?" I ask and he turns around and I see Thomas's girlfriend, holding a child....

"Damn Jefferson your not even twenty years yet." I say and he glares. "This is her little brother, John Laurens! Can you please watch him while we are on a date?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "I'm not a nanny!" I say and he does puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeassess Y/N!" He whines and I finally give in letting a sigh of defeat.

"Fine! But don't expect me to let you have this for free...." I say and he smirks waving his girlfriend up. The young boy in her arms looked to be about Alexander's age. Curly hair that reached his shoulders and freckles shattered his face. His breathing was slow and his eyelids where shut indicating he was probably asleep. "Keep a close eye on him..." the girl says with a small hint of irritation in her voice. Little did I know the secrets she hid and how truly bitch like she was.

"I know how to take care of children." I say and she nudges the small boy until he wakes up. "Jacky this is Y/N you will be staying with her, okay?" She says and he nodded drowsy from being awoken. I reached over and she set the boy in my arms he nuzzled into my neck and I felt my heart melt. This child was precious I just wanted to hug him forever.

"Jefferson you owe me!" I say as they walk odd and I close the door. Alexander and Lafayette rush in both eyes wide as the moon. "JOHN!" They cheered and the young boys head popped up. I chuckle and sat him down. They all hugged and I sat there in awe.

"Hi Guys!" John cheered and I giggled as they began talking. "I'm going to make dinner, tell Aaron that dinner will be ready in ten Alex will you?" I ask and he nods running up stairs both boys hot on his tail. I throw my head back and laugh I enter the kitchen and look through the pantry.

I exited and grabbed the dinosaur chicken nuggets, Green beans, and box of mac'n'cheese. I hear squealing from up stairs and I roll my eyes. I began cooking and I suddenly have four boys inside the kitchen. Aaron was chasing all three of them with a feather in hand. "BURR!" I shout as Alexander accidentally pushed me making me almost burn my self.

"What?" He asks and all the boys are giggling. "Don't what me! Horse play stays outside!" I say holding my Wooden spoon out infront of me. "Fine mom!" He says chuckling.

"Burr your a year older then me that wouldn't work!" I say and he glares at me. I watch as the glare turns into a smirk. "Fine you can be my wife!" He says and my face turned red. All the boys begin squealing. "Your cute Burr, now get your ass out of here!" I say and hear a chorus of 'ooohs' I roll my eyes and Aaron nods.

"Bye Darling!" I tease and he raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm suppose to be your wife remember?" His face flushed colors this time. I smile as they all leave. Although I notice John stay behind. He sits at the table frowning. I turn off the stove and sit at the table.

"Okay Honey what's wrong?" I ask and I notice tears start falling. "John what's wrong?" I ask and he runs into my arms. "I have a bad secret!" He says and I Sit him down in front of me. "I told my daddy who I had a crush on." He says and I turn my head to the side.

"Who do you have a crush on honey?" I ask and he blushes. This poor kid whoever it was made him feel bad. "Alexander...." he confess and I felt tears comes to my eyes. "I know daddy said it makes me a horrible person, he hit me because of it...." he says and I felt tears fall.

"No baby, your not a horrible person. John I'm just like you, I like girls and boys." I say and he looks up at me. "Where did he hit you?" I ask and he lifts up his shirt showing bruises the size of Texas. I felt my mouth open, I pick him up and hold him close. "I will help you John...." I say and he clings to my shirt.

"So I'm not weird to like Alex?" He asks and I chuckle. "No honey, you can't control who you have a crush on! It just happens naturally!" I say and I set John down. "Now let's eat and I'm going....John how would you like to live with me?" I ask and his face lights up. "My entire family hits me, my sister doesn't like me, I would love to be any where but my home..."

Aaron walks in a notice me and John and glanced over. "Burr your studying to become a lawyer right?" I ask and he nodded. I glanced over at John and smiled, "well dear Burr you have your first client!"

I watch my son holding hands with his boyfriend as they are fixing to head off to prom. I walk up to John and kiss his cheek. "Ma stop crying!" He says and I chuckle. "I never had a date for Prom, you got lucky!" I say and he chuckles.

Alexander who was holding hands with my son smiles. "Mom...." he whines and I chuckle. "I'm sorry it's the hormones!" I say pointing my rounded stomach. "Also Hamilton I know your father, the minute you hurt my son. I will shove my foot up your ass!" I say and he chuckles.

"She's not kidding..." John says and Alex raised an eyebrow. I felt two arms hug me from behind and I turn to my husband. "Hello Mr.Burr!" I say and he kissed my nose. "Hello Mrs.Burr~" I heard gagging behind me.

"Ack ew get a room!" Both boys say and I roll my eyes. I turn to my son while Aaron face was pressed the back of my neck. "Now you two leave and have fun!" I say and turn around to face my husband as the door closes.

"You allowed me to have the best child a woman could have!" I say and kisses the tip of my nose. "Honey we have a child on the way. Won't that one be the best?" He asks and I giggle.

"First child is always the favorite!" I say and
he chuckles. We sit on the couch embracing eachother for the rest of the night....


I know it's been a while I'm sorry....high school has been busy and I don't really have enough time to update! Anyways lots of love <3

A Cinnamon Roll

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