James MadisonXThomas J

619 13 15

She short...

Warning: cussing, fluff, Starbucks, Lafayeet is mentioned.
Word Count:702
Day uploaded:November 28, 2018

            Madison's PoV
As usual I was sick nothing crazy about that. Except for the fact that I felt horrible and Hamilton and Jefferson won't shut up!

They argue back and forth, my boyfriend, and my enemy, fighting on and on and god it never stops.



The words just where ridiculous! This argument is stupid! Why are they even fighting in the first place. Suddenly something deep inside me snapped.

I stood up to their height...well somewhat.... and slammed my fist on the table. "FOR FUCKS SAKE SHUT UP!" I yelled, saying I never cursed Thomas looked at me in shock. Hamilton raised an eyebrow. Before opening his mouth I point at him.

"SAY A SINGLE FUCKING WORD AND I WONT HESITATE TO GET YOU FIRED! YOU TOO JEFFERSON!" They both sat down with out a word. I was so mad a vein was probably bulging from my forehead. "NOW! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BOTH FIGHTING? AGAIN? IS THAT ALL YOU GUYS EVER DO?!?!" I ask still keeping my voice raised.

Hamilton and Jefferson shrug, "I don't remember..." Jefferson mumbled. I glare at him, "OF COUSE YOU DONT REMEMBER!" The door opened and I pointed at John Laurens who was now standing there in shock.

"GET THE FUCK OUT LAURENS!" I yelled and Hamilton stood up. "DONT YOU DARE YELL AT MY BOYFRIEND MADISON!" Then Thomas stood up. "OH LOOK WHOS TALKING!" Then the fight began.

I looked at John who was covering his ears. I roll my eyes and walk out with John. "Wanna get a coffee?" I ask and he nods. Together we leave them and head to Starbucks. "Honestly I swear they have so much anger swelled up inside them it's hilarious!" John said taking a sip of is Caramel something.

"Yeah, Thomas keeps his anger in his hair. I swear it's all up there!" I say and we both chuckle as I take a sip of my honey tea. "God why do we love them?" John asks. "Because somehow those assholes captured our heart...also I'm sorry I yelled at you and Hamilton...it was just super out of character and I haven't been feeling well."

"James it's okay, I was going to bring Alexander his lunch but heard a different yelling. Turns out you where setting them straight!" I chuckle, "clearly not that straight if we are dating them" we both laugh at the same time.

I began to fall into a coughing fit and John freezes and quickly asks if I'm okay. "Yeah, it's just a little cold..." he smiled at me and I noticed two figures behind him. Looking very familiar. I smirk and nod towards the two.

"Think they are looking for us?" John nodded and he smirks as well. "Should we yell to them?" He asks and I shake my head no. The two order drinks then examine the coffee shop. I make eye contact with Hamilton and he tugs at Thomas's hideous coat.

Shhhh dont tell him I said that.....

Instantly the two boys rush over begging for apologies. Thomas wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. A familiar blush appeared on my face. Something that happens around him.

"It's okay I forgive you..." I say and Thomas kisses my head and turns to the other couple. "Seems everything is sorted out! Now let us drink our how do they say this...ah! Starbucks!" John said using his best french accent.

By that it sounded like a french person if they where American. Thomas chuckled, "no no you have to say it like this!" I smiled at Thomas did his best French person impression. All agreeing he sounded like Lafayette!

So two enemies became friend-enemies thanks to their boyfriends. That's quiet a story author chan. Now when you gonna tell them we became a poly couple.

Author Chan: well I wasn't planning on it but.... JefferMadsLams! I ship it!


Well that had a weird twist! Anyways I wrote this quickly so hope ya like!

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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