Mini One-Shots

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So the LafayetteXreader smut is taking a while to write so I'm just gonna have some quick filler one shots. You know the tiny scenarios. Also I'm sick so that's our theme! Reader Chan Be sick!

Alexander Hamilton.
You where going on your third day of the flu and still your boyfriend hasn't shown up. You where starting to feel neglected and you could barley get up. Netflix and Chinese take out has been your best friend!

One morning you wake up to hearing metal sounds in the kitchen so you sit up and slowly trudge out of your bedroom. Legs shaky from your high fever and arms aching. There is Alexander cooking away while you where asleep. How he got in no one may ever know.

"Uh good morning?" You say and he looks up and runs over to you. "Good morning love!" He cheers and picks you up bridal style. "Work has been hell these past three days so I decided to take today off! I have been worried sick that  you got hurt. After yesterday so I spent the day trying to ask Washington to let me go see you. Finally he let me have the day off!" He says cheerfully and a weak smile plants it's self on your face.

"Today is the day where I get you better so sit back and relax while Dr.Hamilton gets to work!" He says and you raise a eyebrow at the unusual behavior from your boyfriend. As the day went on all you two did was eat soup and bread and watching movies.

Finally he carries you to your bed and lays next to you. "What's wrong?" You ask and he groans looking away. "I got put on and Jefferson got into a fight and Washington said we can't go back to work till Monday...." he confesses and you began laughing your ass off.

"Your such a idiot!" You wheeze our and he kisses your forehead. "I'm your idiot!" He says and you roll your eyes. "Damn right and don't forget it."

John Laurens
Being sick was the worst especially when the person taking care of you hates to get sick. John has worn a medical mask and gloves for the past three days. It made you sad that he didn't want to be around you due to a small cold.

Called the flu....(honestly don't blame him sister the flu is a bitch!)

After you too ate dinner you as usual went back to your couch and curled up in a blanket. The house was freezing and everything you tried you couldn't get warm. A idea popped into your mind and you turn to John who was sitting on the couch far from you switching channels. Stealthy you crawl over to him and climb into his lap and burrow your self into his chest.

"Y/N!" He whines and tried to push you off but you didn't budge nothing could get you to move. Finally he gives in and surrounded you into a hug. "Love you n/n" he says and you giggle. "Love you too Jacky!"

(Okay we are changing POV because I hate third person)
I wake up feeling god awful immediately I grab my phone and text my fiancé.  He stayed late at work last night and decided to crash at Hercules's.

Within minutes my door was opened and my fiancé runs in. "Come here mon Cher!" He says and picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. After checking my temperature and giving me some medicine he picks me up and tucks me into my bed. Crawling next to me he turns on the tv and we watch adventure time for the rest of the day. "Love you Laffy taffy" I mumble out. I didn't even hear him say 'je t'aime' i feel asleep so fast.

I wake up with a sore throat and a fever. Your husband Hercules waste no time. He gets you dress and in the car on your way to the doctors. After a long check up you are sent home with strep throat and spend the rest of the day sleeping....

I gradually got lazier...I'm not sorry....cut me some slack I'm sick and feel like shit! Hey that rhymed, Anyways this was a filler. I love you all so much! Good day byeeee

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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